Beacon Academy
Auditorium"How about this mission? Just a little walk around Vale, helping out the local law enforcements!" Everest looked at a screen, pointing to a simple looking mission, just a walk and talk type of job, shadowing various amounts of police and detectives.
Hopefully no drug busts, or robberies, or anything else that happens when the team is with RWBY out in Vale.
"Everest, you could pick a mission out in the woods for all I care, I just want to not be shot at today." Spruce lifts her hands above her head in a stretch, groaning as her back cracks.
"So long as Blake is safe on her mission, I could care less." Which was partially how Y/n felt, he knew team RWBY was looking for a mission in the south-east part of Vale, so they can try and find that secret White Fang hide out.
"So they really are going to check out that info? How'd Ruby get it again?"
"No idea, hopefully it isn't a trap." Everest pressed on the screen and mission a few times, before it confirms, and informs the team to head into Vale and find Officer Zakaria.
Short Timeskip
Beacon Academy
Courtyard - DocksAs the team is walking they converse, occasionally saying hello to the passing student. That is until their stopped by team RWBY and JNPR, who are standing right at the docks.
"Oh, hey everyone!" Spruce waves at the two teams, getting a wave in return.
"Blake..." Y/n and Blake walk off to the side, "...Are you sure this is safe? I won't be able to make it there fast enough, even if I flew..."
Blake puts a caring hand to his cheek, smiling at him softly, "Don't worry, I have my team to look out for me, I'll be as safe as you during fights."
"That only makes me worry more Blake, I fight carelessly." She giggles, wrapping her arms around his neck, standing on her tippy toes to give him a quick kiss on the lips.
He, although easily embarrassed, returned the kiss, "...Just... Stay safe, please? Or... Or I'll make a spray bottle and find you." They both share a quiet laugh.
"Y/n! Our bullheads here, c'mon!"
"I'll see you later, kitty cat." They break the hug and Y/n jogs off to catch up to his team, jumping into the bullhead as it begins to lift off the ground.
"Please let this be a normal mission."
City of Vale
Vale Police DepartmentThe building was made of brick, the windows tinted slightly, the tops and bottom of the glass had a... thing... on them which stated "VPD; Protecting you! Protecting the Future!"
"Isn't that a Huntsmen's job?" Spruce runs her nape confused by the police department's motto.
"Well, they're was definitely police, before there were... Nevermind." Everest is about to finish his sentence when he thinks about it again, pushing the door to the building open.
Short Timeskip
City of Vale
City CentreY/n is seen standing by his partner, Everest is a few feet ahead standing next to a man in a suit, a pair of dark glass cover his eyes, he's an officer from the VPD.
"Everest is enjoying this." Y/n smiles, watching his team leader excitedly follow the detective, asking questions whenever he can.
"I swear, he has the mind of a 10 year old, but the body of a 17 year old." Sprice shakes her head, watching her boyfriend and team leader looking rather proud about being a junior officer.
"We don't really hang out too much do we..?" Spruce looks over, looking at her teammate who is currently staring off into the distance, staring at the mountains.
"We don't have much in common, Spruce, rarely can we find something we both enjoy."
"Yeah, I guess..."
The second trimester of Beacon had felt so different to Y/n, something big was about it happen, and he could feel it with every fiber of his being.
But in all honesty, he just wanted to forget about what's been happening recently, like the cloaked man who stole Reconciliation, will he ever see his sword again?
"You're worried too much about her, y'know..." Spruce pits a reassuring hand on her partners shoulder, squeezing lightly.
"Blake is... Strong, I just want her to stay safe... Safety and Strength are different." They share a glance, before looking at their team leader, who seems to be studying the road in front of him.
"Spruce, Y/n... Do you two feel that?" He pauses, the teammates straining their ears to listen for anything, stopping their movement to try and sense anything.
"No, we don't, you're semblance makes sensing things easier for you, Everest." The teammates look at one another as the start to feel the earth beneath them rumble.
"Y/n! Get to the sky and find out what's going on! Spruce start using your vines to seek out that rumbling." The Branwen nods, running town alley before turning into a bird and flying into the air.
"What about you?" Spruce asks as shes now knelt down, her hands on the ground feeling for the irregularities.
"I'm in evacuation duty, officer! We need to get these citizens out of-" Just then the road explodes upward, rubble flying out from the sudden crash.
A ball of ice flies through the sky, soon to be followed by a countless amount of Grimm, and a King Taijitu Major. The darker end of the snake hissed, seeming to order the smaller Beowolves and Creeps around.
It didn't take long for civilans to start panicking, running away while screaming.
With the birds eye view, Y/n notices the ball of ice melt, the members of team RWBY falling out of it, the birds eyes widen as he begins diving to the floor, landing roughly next to Blake.
"Blake!" He lifts her head, placing it in his lap as he's sat on his knees, caressing her cheek.
Her eyes flutter open, and Y/n smiles, "Hey there, little birdie..." They stare at one another for a second, until they eventually get up.
"You'll have to explain what happened later Blake..." Looking at the Grimm that now surround them, they jump into action, hacking and cutting at Creeps, Beowolves, Ursa or any unfortunate soulless creature that got in their way.
"This fight might be longer than I expected..."
Bam, I don't know how I'm really going to do the Vytal Festival, but I'm sure I'll figure something out.
Welp, thanks for reading!
Son of The Raven.
أدب الهواةY/n Branwen, the son of Raven Branwen, and an unnamed Father figure. Y/n Branwen wouldn't call his childhood average, fun, or easy... Being the son of a tribes leader, means you have many responsibilities, many of which are to help and guide the Tri...