Surprise of a lifetime

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Jungkook's POV

It's been two months since Jimin and I came back from our honeymoon. After we came back we were surprised with a baby shower. After the baby shower, Jimin and I just relaxed and began to plan out the nursery room.
The past two months have been very stressful. Jimin has been a little too clingy-not that I mind- but sometimes it can get a little too out of control especially now that he is on bed rest till he gives birth. Also, we did a lot of redecorating for the nursery. Jimin made me change everything 3 times! I'm so glad we didn't change it again, I don't think I would have lasted another week of moving everything!
Jimin is always in the room on the bed, not by choice though. He doesn't like sitting around and doing nothing but doctor's orders, Jimin has to be on bed rest.

Currently, right now I moved Jimin to the living room because he was tired of being in the same room for 5 weeks. I decided to put him on the couch so he wouldn't just be locked up in the room. Right now I'm making dinner for us since well, Jimin can't cook right now.
I keep hearing him move around the couch but I don't feel worried.
He isn't due until another 4 weeks so I'm good...right. I mean it's not like I haven't gotten the hospital bag ready even after Jimin keeps telling me to get one ready.
"Jungkook..." I heard Jimin's voice so I replied back "Yes sweetheart!"I yelled without realizing Jimin was standing right behind me. "Oww! You idiot I'm right here!"
"oh sorry-WAIT WHY ARE YOU UP!? You're supposed to be laying down!" I picked him up and set him down on the counter.
"But the couch felt uncomfortable and wet for some reason but I wanted to-OWWW" I looked at Jimin with pure worry, in fear that something happened.
"Jimin! Are you okay!? Does something hurt!? Do we need to go to the hospital? Do you want food? Do you feel sick? Should I-?
"JUST SHUT UP AND TAKE ME TO THE HOSPITAL! AHHH" I was super worried, I didn't know what to do! I'm just gonna grab my keys and take him to the hospital! Yeah, everything will be okay!

Author's POV~Short time skip

"I know you're in pain baby but you don't have to be so rude! Besides, we're here!"
Jungkook carried Jimin inside and immediately the nurses took him to the delivery room.
The doctors didn't let Jungkook go inside so he had to wait for him. In the meantime, Jungkook called Jin.
Jungkook? Why are you calling so late?
"Hyung! Jimin's in labor! I'm here at the-"
Jungkook noticed Jin hang up. He was a bit confused but suddenly it hit him.
Jin hanged up the phone and yelled out to the others about the news. Jin quickly changed and left for the hospital with everyone along with an emergency hospital bag because they knew Jungkook forgot to prepare one.
After a few minutes, everyone arrived at the hospital.
"WHERE IS HE!? Is there a- are there any babies yet!?"
"'s been an hour. I hope everything is okay."
"Don't worry Kook! Usually, it's up to two hours or more!"
"If it was more than two hours that would be a bad sign," Jin said
Everyone looked at Jin and Jungkook just got even more worried. "I-I mean...he'll be okay! Nothing gonna go-"
Jin didn't finish his sentence because a doctor came out of the room and came towards us.
"Whose the father!?"
"I am," Jungkook said stepping closer to the doctor.
"Okay come with me!"

Jungkook followed the doctor inside the delivery room. When he entered he saw Jimin on the bed panting hard trying to catch his breath.
"Ju-Jungkook...I-I'm so tired...I-I can't do this...I can't do it again..."
"Yes, yes you can sweetheart! Just try! I know you're tired but please...try. For me, for us, for our babies." Jimin looked at Jungkook and took a deep breath.
"Okay...I got this!"
"Yes, you do baby! I'll be right with you."

1 hour later

"Good job did it!" Jungkook was resting his forehead on Jimin's. After an hour Jimin gave birth to a baby girl. Both of the twins ended up being girls, but either way, they were both happy.
"Congratulations Mr. Jeon. You have two healthy baby girls."
"" those were Jimin's last words before he passed out. Everyone slightly panicked because it's not normal for someone to faint right after giving birth. Jungkook wasn't alarmed and thought nothing of it until the doctor told the nurses to take Jungkook and the twins out of the room.
"Wait why!? Is he okay!? Did-did something happen?!"
"That's what we are going to find out Mr. Jeon."

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