Be mine?

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Jungkook's POV

It's been a month since I woke up and came back to him. This past month I have also been planning to propose to him.
I know it hasn't been long since we started dating but I want to make him mine.
I want to hold and love him for the rest of my life.
Right now Jimin is still sound asleep. Jin, Namjoon, and Laurent are at the Seine river. I plan to propose to Jimin at the river where we had our first date. Of course, we are using a bigger boat, one that has a bed because...
Well, it might be eventful.
I went to the kitchen and made breakfast. I made some breakfast for myself too because I haven't eaten.
After I finished cooking, I went upstairs and took a tray with the food. I opened our bedroom door and saw that Jimin was already awake.
"Good morning sweetheart."
"Morning Gukie."
"Gukie? That's a new nickname."
"You don't like it?"
"No, I love it sugar bear!"
"Sugar bear?"
"If I get a new nickname then you do too!"
"Hehe, *sniff* Something smells good!"
"I made you breakfast, well I made us breakfast." I went towards the bed and sat down at the edge. I gave Jimin his plate but he grabbed mine.
"I know your gonna feed me so I'll feed you!" I smiled before grabbing the fork and getting a portion of eggs to give it to him. 
After we finished eating, I got a text from Jin, telling me that the boat was ready.
"What do you want to do sugar bear?"
"I don't-*gasp* Can we go visit the cafe! I haven't been there since-" Jimin paused mid-sentence. I think I know what he was going to say.
"Okay, we can go."

Time skip-I was going to write more but I got lazy so let's just skip to the surprise.

After we left the cafe, it was about 4 pm. The time was perfect because it's almost time for the surprise. I was currently driving to the port when Jimin noticed we weren't going to the house.
"Kookie, where are we going?"
"Hehe, Let's just say I planned a date for us tonight." Jimin looked at me surprised, and excited. He smiled wide, showing his beautiful eye smile.
we arrived at the river. We went down to the port where the boat was.
"After you, my love."
"Hehehe, thank you!"
I helped Jimin onto the boat while I got in as well. I walked Jimin to a table where we are going to eat. The food was already there so all we needed to do was eat.
"So, Why exactly did you want to take me out?"
"No reason. I just wanted to take my beautiful boyfriend out on a date."
"Hehe, well so far I'm having fun"
The boat was already moving as Jimin and I continued to talk and eat dinner. The sun was setting when we finished eating. I had planned to propose to him once we were finished.
"Huh?" I stood up and went to him, I got down on one knee and took his hand into mine.
"Jimin, my sweet sugar bear...I-before I met life was nothing. I had lost my mother but then I gained you. The day you got hurt broke my heart...I couldn't bear seeing you in pain. Then you moved in...I enjoyed the days when I got to wake up next to you, but then I lost that...and I don't ever want to lose it again." I reached into my pocket and took out a small velvet box. I opened it and revealed the ring.
"Park Jimin will you-" Before I could even finish my question. Jimin leaned down and kissed me. I slowly stood up while he also got up from the chair.
My hand made it to his waist. I held him tight, feeling a bit confused but I think I shouldn't worry about him rejecting me.
" that a yes?"
"Yes...definitely a yes!" I took his hand and slipped the ring onto his finger. 

I kissed him again and lifted him up

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I kissed him again and lifted him up. He wrapped his legs around me. 
our lips never left each other as I walked inside the boat to go to the room set up for us.
I opened the door that leads to the bedroom while still holding him. I slowly put him down and let him look at the room.

 I slowly put him down and let him look at the room

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"You like it?"
"I-I love it! Is this..."
"yeah...this is the room that was set up for us to use...tonight...where I show you how much I love you..."


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