"Ashton what's going on" Kaylah said.
"I want to tell my life. I just don't want you to leave me" Ashton breathed.
"Okay, walk and talk" Kaylah said.
"Okay, So when I was little my dad left. My mom was left alone raising me and my little brother and sister. I couldn't take all the responsibilities that were coming my way so I ran away. I live alone in the cabin. The boys stay with me sometimes but not all the time. I been in jail five times and if I go again I'm in there for good. I used to cut like Luke but I stopped. I'm not sure about Luke. I want to go back to my family but I'm not sure if they will take me back" Ashton sighed.
"Wait I had a son but he ran aw....." "Oh My Lord, Your Ashton Irwin" Kaylah gasped.
"Yeah" Ashton said.
"I moved in to your mom. Your mom and my mom are really good friends. Ashton she misses you. She holds baby pictures of you Ash" Kaylah said.
"Can we go there now" Ashton asked.
"Yeah, after we get something to eat and hang out some" Kaylah smiled.
"Date?" Ashton said in a question form.
"Date" Kaylah agreed.
Ashton took Kaylah hand as they walked to the nearest sub deli. Ashton opened the door for her.
"Thank You" Kaylah laughed.
They walked up into the line. Kaylah saw a group of boys looking at her. She knew something bad was going to happen. Kaylah took Ashton's hand. He looked at her.
"I won't do anything unles......" He spoke to soon.
"Hey cute" One guy said.
Kaylah didn't say anything neither did Ashton. Ashton couldn't do anything or else he was gone for good.
"I said Hey" The boy said.
The line moved up some more and so did Ashton and Kaylah. Ashton pulled Kaylah in front of him and wrapped his arms around her waits. As he did he pulled her up against him.
"Slut" The boy walked away.
"Ashton stay calm" Kaylah leaned her head on him.
"I will for you" Ashton said.
They got there food and sat down. People stared. Seeing a good girl like Kaylah with a bad boy like Ashton just wasn't right, but Kaylah wasn't all that good. She had her secrets.
"Ready to go" Ashton asked.
"Yeah" Kaylah picked up her unfurnished drink and took it with her.
"I'm nervous" Ashton sighed.
"Don't be Ash, she loves you" Kaylah smiled.
They walked up to Kaylah's porch.
"Your mom should be here" Kaylah opened her door. "Mom, I'm home" Kaylah yelled.
"Kay, Ms. Irwin will be....." Her mom stopped in mid step. "Who's your friend" She asked.
"I'm Ashton" He said.
"Irwin" Her mom gapsed.
There was a knock on the door then it opens.

Bad Boys -- 5sos Fan Fiction
FanficAudrey, Sarah, Kaylah and Kathy are all friends. They live in the same neighborhood and go to the same school. Four bad boys come along into their lives. Will they change for them or No??