- Chapter 1 -

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Eda's pov

Hello , I am Eda Yildiz a ordinary girl, I am a florist and a student at the same time . My life is kinda crazy , my aunt died last year , I don't have parents,  they died when I was still a kid, in a car accident.  All I have left it's my childhood friends: Melo , Ceren and Fifi . They live with me at the moment because they think I still didn't recover after Ayfer's death ( my aunt) . Of course I am not recovered 100% but I am much more better. Last year was shit , but I hope this one will be better.  Currently I am single , I think I don't need a man because I can handle everything by myself . My friends are keep pressing me to go outside in clubs in the city to know boys and new people , but I feel uncomfortable to be in the spotlight . I am ok in my flower bubble . I am feeling safe and in control when I am with my flowers they don't gossip you , don't talk you from behind,  don't cheat , don't upset you , don't dissapoint you .. and the list can continue.  The last week was very busy for me , I had over 1000 orders and I barely could finish them . It's hard I admit it but I can handle this as my aunt used to say .. faith will move mountains. 
Today was busy like the other days , I barely slept 10 hours the whole week but I don't feel tired.. maybe only a bit .
Yeah I know what are you thinking she is only hurting herself .. Well I actually am not , believe me if my friends didn't told me 100 times that one day they will come and find me on the ground dead . What can I say I like to work .

Serkan's pov

Good Evening, I am Serkan Bolat the most popular and skilled architect from Turkey and Europe.  I own ART LIFE.. the best Landscape Company . My mom is the one who believed in me and stayed by my side with every step,  on the other hand my dad was not around very much , we are not getting along well , I had a brother too he .... unfortunately is no longer between us , but I don't like talking about this subject so let's move on . I love my job and as my friends say I am a workaholic . Lately I was very busy , the summer is coming and people are building a lot of houses now . I can't complain because I don't know something better then work . I am a soon to be single man ( sounds weird ik) .. Well let me explain. 
1 week ago me and my ex girlfriend had a fight,  we didn't get along for a long time but we continued it . Life is crazy . I am a very difficult person . I don't even know how my parents dealed with me for 18 years . Anyway let's get over it . Today I am going in  very important trip related to work of course.. we are going to Antalya . I will get a award for the most projects in the last year . It's my 5th time in a road winning.  I am already used . But this is not the goal of this trip. When I will be there I will sign a very important project , if I have luck .

Eda : oh I forgot to mention,  how could I forget to talk about the best things that happened to me since I don't even remember . I was recruted to go to Antalya tomorrow,  it's a very important meeting there and I was one of the luckiest people . Because of my college and my sweet teacher who recommended me , I can meet the best landscapes from all of the world . It still feels like a dream .

Second day -

Eda just woke up at 10 am late , as usual,  today was the big day  , her bus was leaving at 3 in the afternoon . She didn't had any baggage done and still had to finish 3 orders.  Oh Eda you will loose your head one day . She got up as fast as she could , run to the bathroom,  did her routine,  took a shower and got dressed.  She had a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt with some sneakers . She was ready to do her bouquets . The day went so slow for Eda , it was only 12 in the afternoon when she finished her chores and all she had left was her luggage.  The trip was only 3 days but you know how girls are . She put in her baggage spring clothes very colourful ones , some swimsuits , her slippers and some heels. 

As for Serkan the day went too fast actually. Since morning he had to deal with the last minute problems of the company he was from a meeting to another.  He didn't even had time to eat something , only coffee . He was lucky with his assistant Leyla , she was a sweetheart,  she always cared about Serkan's health . He had a migraine since morning and couldn't get out of it even with tablets.  He couldn't focus on anything and that was very frustrating for him . He knew today it was another long day and it would be like this even in his " trip ". Serkan was used with all the chaos and meetings . He didn't really had a personal life , that's why he was in his office 7/24 hours.  Even his mom got used to it but she still didn't like it .


It was time to go . Eda's bus was leaving in less then 5 minutes . She was so excited and happy that one of her dreams would come true . She knew that her aunt was now watching her and she was the reason of all the good in her life . The whole road Eda had her headphones on and listening to her favourite songs , she was in her world.  She talked with the girls twice but then they didn't call again because they knew Eda was pissed because of too much calls . Only 2 hours passed and for Eda felt like 2 days , but she still had 4 hours left . She tought that boredom will eat her alive .

Serkan left the company at 3 pm and drove to his penthouse to change and leave. His team left already with the company busses because they had to stop for the people who where at home . The event was tomorrow at 5pm so he had time . He left his penthouse at 4:30pm and went straight to Antalya.  He loves Antalya ,  he even lived there for 2 years but he miss it very much .
His team arrived before Serkan so they checked at the hotel.  Serkan arrived too but it was almost midnight so he just went to his room and messaged Leyla to let her know that he arrived. He was so tired , so he collapsed on the bed and he took sleep immediately.

Eda arrived at 9 pm and she went to her room tired as well . She only took a shower,  navigated a bit on her phone and went to sleep. 

Tomorrow was a big day for both of them !


heyy , this was the 1st chapter i hope you enjoy it and loved it . i will update every 2 weeks. if you have a idea for me you can write in the comments , and tell me do you think Eda and Serkan will meet in Antalya on not ??!!   Btw feedback always appreciated
Kisses A.♥︎

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