- Chapter 2 -

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Serkan woke up at 6 am as usual for his routine . He goes to the gym spends some time there finishing his work out who takes between 1/2 hr , then he comes back to his room , take a shower and checks some emails . It's around 9am when he is done with all of this and he goes down to take the breakfast. The breakfast it's between 9-10am and it takes place in the big lobby.

Eda was woken up by a phone call , and guess who ?! Melo of course . Eda got out of bed and picked up the phone to answer, by her big surprise it was a video call .

Eda's pov

- Edacim how is it ? it's the weather good ? how it's the place ? are there nice guys ? how it's the room ?  Eda are you here?

- I am fine Melo , wait I just woke up , and i can't answer all of your questions because how i came i went to sleep and i know nothing , but what i can tell you is that i was sleeping very good BEFORE YOU CALL ! eda said with a angry face to melo. Melo closed the phone call with a wish for Eda to enjoy her time , Eda went to the bathroom to do her routine .

Serkan was downstairs enjoying his breakfast he went with something lite this morning, some Avocado , an egg with a toast some orange juice and of course his black coffee.  He enjoyed his breakfast and while eating he went through the project 2 more times to assure that there is no problem.
Eda finished her routine and went to dress so she can go and take her breakfast too. She went with something casual just some baby blue shorts and a tight white bodysuit with a ponytail. She took some flip flops and went downstairs.  The hotel was lovely and so clean it was very big also so you had to use the elevator so you can reach the ground floor . Eda used the elevator and went to eat because she was starving. When she reached the ground floor she was mesmerised by the large view and the furniture in there , it was a combination between white , brown and beige . Everyone was polite and very friendly which was a plus for Eda and her way of being . Eda was walking to the big lobby where the breakfast was held.  She reached it and she was greeted by a view by a male view more exactly. Right in front of her eyes at a table near the middle of the room was standing in all his grace a man . He was quite tall , with a tight brown t-shirt showing his 6 packs and his arm biceps , while  his back was flexing with all his moves , a pair of jeans and some DG sunglasses . Eda was standing there without moving only enjoying her view . Guess who it was ?
Serkan Bolat!
Serkan saw a girl starting at him and he tought it was a waitresse and he needed more water so he motioned for her to come . When he saw that the girl didn't noticed him he got up and went in her way . Eda saw him moving towards her but she didn't tought that he was coming to her , so she ignored and continued to observe his moves . When Serkan came closer and closer in her way she started to panic .

Did he saw me staring? Is he going to someone else? I knew I was too obvious *insert face palm* Oh my god he is coming to me . Ok Eda act cool , act like you weren't staring , be calm kiz be calm. 

Serkan approached her and woke her from the trance she was .
S: "Hello miss , can you please bring me another glass of water,  I just finished mine and I made you some signals but you wer-" Serkan was talking but Eda was too deep in her mind to hear the whole conversation.
Edas smile and enthusiasm fade away when she hear what the gorgeous man was asking her , did he really confused her with a waitress.
E: " did I heard right did he just asked me to bring him water , what am I a waitress , who does he think he is " Eda was talking with herself realising what actually really happened and the facts that this man addressed to her like she was some kind of waitress pissed her of and she exploded. 
E: " Who do you think you are to talk with me like this,  do I look like a waitress to you , do you need some glasses to see me right,  Oh my god I can't believe. You think that if you have DG glasses and are dressed like this everyone around you is a nobody ?!" Eda was furious she only appreciated the view and how good he was looking but she should have tought that all good looking mans are just some fking assholes and nothing more . Serkan was surprised by her reaction and the fact that he just tought that she was a waitress made him be embarrassed a little but she didn't had to make such a scene,  besides all the lobby stopped eating and looked at them like it was some kind of free stand up comedy on the street. He was pissed by her judgement and her reaction . Serkan took her by her wrist and lead her around the corner outside . Eda realised what he just did and tried to escape but his grip was too strong and she would only hur herself so she waited until they reached outside the hotel.  They both where furious and all this because Eda couldn't keep her eyes off . They arrived outside and in the moment they stopped Serkan was slapped hard by Eda . She left a red hand mark on his cheek. Serkan was even more furious and couldn't wait to know who this " crazy woman " was .
S: "what are you doing?! "
E:" I just slapped you , you really are blind or what ."
S: "Who are you and who gave you the right to talk and behave like this with me ?!. "
E: " Who are you and who gave you the right to make me a waitress and to touch me ?!"
S:" Listen here ma'am,  I don't know who you are , I don't know what are you and I don't know why are you so hurt it's like I called you a wh*re not a waitress!"
E: " Don't you think you are now exceed the limit ? How you dare to call me a wh*re now and how you dare to talk with me this way , when you were the crazy one in here "
S: " Crazy? What in the name of God are you talking about ma'am,  excuse me but you are the one who yelled at me in the big lobby and made people think I was hurting you. "
You know what I think we should stop here and you will apologise because wha-"
E: " Apologise? Are you in ur mind,  for what exactly should I apologise Mr. BRING ME WATER ? Tell me for what exactly? I think you should admit that you are wrong an-"
S: " No , no , no , I think you are delusional right now , I never am wrong and after you embarrassed me in front of over 40 people you make me say I was wrong?! You are indeed crazy."
E:" Well if I am crazy then you are an asshole who can't recognise he made a mistake by talking with a woman like this " Eda finished her santance in a loud voice and she went to her room full of anger.  Serkan stood there and tried to process how a girl who he never saw before just made him an asshole .
Eda arrived in her room she closed the door with so much power that it started to tremble . She was thinking about what the fuck happened earlier,  it was real or ? It was a mind learning that where her eyes catch something beautiful she has to enjoy it for herself and she has to be more subtle. 

The afternoon came and the meeting took place at 5 , so everyone should be in the yard by 4:30 so people can find a place where to sit and untill everyone came will take tame . Serkan was in his apartment getting ready.  He and his team which was Leyla(his assistant), Piril , Engin ( his friends and also partners) and Erdem who was there because,  oh well no one really know what or who he is , practically he is there to be there. The team was already in the yard they where only waiting for Serkan. 
Serkan was almost ready,  he put his jacket on some cologne he also put some rings and some chains to put the badass ,hot and bossy style together . After he was ready he went where the meeting took place.

Eda was very nervos and she was very happy that she got here

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Eda was very nervos and she was very happy that she got here . She never tought that she will be able to take part to this kind of meeting where are the architects from all the Europe where. She put her black dress with a cut on the edge that went up the leg , some black high heels and a small bag.  Her hair was straightened and she had some minimalist jewelleries.

Eda went to the elevator where to her surprise was waiting the gorgeous,  handsome,  hot , no other then Serkan Bolat

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Eda went to the elevator where to her surprise was waiting the gorgeous,  handsome,  hot , no other then Serkan Bolat. He was hot and she hated herself because she saw him like this when she should see him only as a asshole. But who said assholes can't be hot and handsome, in fact they are the most hot , handsome and sexy ever . Serkan turn his head and saw a beautiful woman dressed all in black who was no other then the girl in the morning . She was gorgeous and very sexy with that dress and he admited  that she is not the same person as in the morning. Why all beautiful girls have to be crazy he was thinking. They crossed eyes and a sparkle light could be seen in their eyes . It was something for only 2 seconds until a phone call interrupted them .

               I know I was late with this chapter but school started for me and it's hard . As I promised I posted this chapter and the 3rd at the same time and I think I will do this from now on . I will post 2/3 chapters all at once
Don't forget to tell me your opinion and if you have some ideas let me know . Feedback is always appreciated and don't forget to vote , comment and follow. 

Sweet kisses A.♥︎

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