Chapter 2

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Lauren's POV

Demi and I were both shocked at the fact that Ariceli held our hands as we walked over to the car. We had done it out of instinct, but Ariceli had just kind of shrugged before holding them. Luckily Demi and I were both able to control our shock and smiled instead.

When we arrived at the car I helped Ariceli move into the middle before Demi and I both climbed in on the opposite sides of her. We had just left the festival when Ariceli spoke up, "Uhm, not that I am not appreciative, but why are you helping me?

Demi looked lost for words, so i took over." Well first we thought you were a little girl, but when we found out you weren't, we could kind of tell that you've had a hard life. We knew we could help, so that's what we are doing. Now you said you typically catch your food?" I asked her and she nodded.

" Well we don't really need hunters these days, but how do you feel about gardening? That could be your job if you'd like it to be? Though, if you don't want to work then that's also fine with us. We just want to ensure your safety." I asked her. She nodded her head and let a yawn escape causing me to chuckle a little bit.

" It's a little bit of a drive, so you can sleep if you'd like. " Demi finally spoke up.

" I think I'd like to work. I don't want to mooch of you guys. Thank you, I didn't sleep much last night. Is-is it okay if I lay my head on one of your shoulders? If not I understand, it's just hard to lay my head backwards. I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked." She said apologetically causing me to shake my head at her.

" You're fine, of course you can sweetie. How about this time you cuddle with Demi and next time we are in the car you cuddle with me?" I asked her with a gentle smile.

Ariceli looked over to Demi who smiled at her, "You don't have to cuddle me, I know that may be weird. I'm okay with just laying my head on your shoulder." Ariceli said quietly.

"Nonsense, I'd rather you be comfortable honey. Come here," Demi told her with open arms. Ariceli surprisingly didn't hesitate and curled into Demi with her head resting on her chest.

It wasn't much longer before Ariceli was completely out. Demi looked up to me," I'm surprised you didn't want to cuddle her first."

I shook my head slightly, "Oh trust me I did, but I wasn't the one pouting this morning about you know what."

Demi looked over to me and said a quiet thanks and afterwards I took a picture of the two. "Lo, do you think she's you know, a little?" She asked nervously.

I nodded my head with a small smile, "I do. I don't know if you caught it but she most definitely had a baby talk slip up, she held our hands when we offered them and didn't let them go, and now she is cuddling with you. I think she's scared to be a little, but hopefully with some time and patience, she'll be okay. "

Demi nodded and looked like she was thinking before she spoke up again," What if she's a little but decides not to be our little? "

I shook my head, "I think you shouldn't worry about what could happen in the future, but if it does happen then we'll help her find a caregiver along with allowing her to still work there if she chooses. Understood?" I asked her firmly and she nodded.

Ariceli's POV

"Ariceli sweetie, it's time to wake up. We are home." Demi quietly said to me while rubbing my arms to try and get me to wake up. I slowly opened my eyes to see that I had curled myself more into Demi in my sleep than I did when I was going to sleep. Instead of just my head on her chest, I had brought my knees up to my chest and they were on her legs and I was tightly gripping her neckline which I let go of as soon as I saw it.

I blushed and apologized. Demi and Lauren smiled and said it was okay though. As Lauren helped me out of the car I looked up and saw what they were referring to as home. "This is a castle." I said with a gasp.

"We like to just call it home. Come on, we'll show you around." Demi said and held her hand out again which I quickly grabbed. I wasn't holding their hand because I'm a little, I'm just small, and it's so I don't get lost.

They showed me the living room, the kitchen, the dining room, their offices, the throne room, their bedroom and then finally my bedroom and bathroom. There were a bunch of other rooms that they showed me, but I really just wanted to take a shower and maybe eat some food.

"Here's a towel and I'll have a maid run some clothes up to you. If you need anything, just yell for us okay? We'll be in our bedroom which is right next door." Lauren told me and I nodded my head so she left the bathroom.

I quickly got undressed and into the shower. Hissing slightly at my open wounds. I may or may not have gotten into a fight with a raccoon over some food yesterday and I really didn't have anything to clean it with.

After my shower I wrapped a towel around my body when a maid came in. She looked shocked for a moment before speaking, "My apologies Miss Alfaro. I thought you were still in the shower." She hesitated before speaking again, "Those cuts on your body don't look well. I should probably tell the queens."

I quickly shook my head, "First of all call me Ariceli not Miss Alfaro. Second of all, please don't tell them. It's embarrassing." I said ashamed.

"They would want to know Ariceli. How did you get those anyways?" The maid asked me.

I looked down at my feet before looking up at her, "I'd rather not say. Look, do you hace a first aid kit or something? I can clean them up myself and no one has to know" The maid looked unsure but eventually said she would go and grab one

A few minutes later I see the maid, who I learned is called Izzie, came back with the first aid kit causing me to smile at her. My smile faltered when I saw both of the queens behind her with concerned faces.

"Oh my goodness, what happened to you?" Queen Lauren asked frantically.

"I'm fine I just need to get them cleaned up." I told her as I took the first aid kit from Izzie. I looked at Izzie with a bit of a glare, "I thought we weren't going to tell them?"

Izzie looked unfazed with my glare, "The closest first aid kit is in their bathroom. They were suspicious." She said shrugging her shoulders.

Queen Demi took the first aid kit from me and had a serious look on her face, "I need to know what happened and I need to know now."

I shrunk back at her intimidating tactics, but ultimately shook my head causing her to raise a brow. "It's embarrassing. No tell." I said quietly, letting out a groan when I heard my baby talk.

Demi quickly softened her face and crouched down to me, "I really need to know though. I just want to make sure you're okay."

Not trusting my baby talk, I just said 'raccoon'. She nodded her head, "A raccoon did this to you?"

"Mmhmm." Demi looked to Lauren with a surprised look before turning back to me.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Lauren asked me, but I just shook my head. "Okay sweetheart, that's okay. Maybe later?" I gave her a small nod hoping that would get them to leave.

Unfortunately for me that wasn't the case. When I wasn't paying attention they had sent Izzie to get one of their nurses who came in and doctored all of the wounds along with giving me a shot which I was not happy about. I didn't dare cry about that though, they would get too suspicious. They would probably be disgusted to know I'm a little.

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