Chapter 3

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Ariceli's POV

After my wounds were doctored and I was clothed, I asked if I could have some food which they said yes and led me down into the kitchen. Demi quickly made me a sandwich and I ate it happily on one of the bar stools. Luckily for me, I managed to pull myself completely out of headspace and didn't have to worry about my baby talk.

"So, now that you are dressed and have food. I really want to know what happened to you sweetie." Queen Lauren said to me.

I sighed before looking at my now empty plate and looked back at her. "I may or may not have gotten into a fight with a raccoon who was trying to steal my food."

Lauren laughed at that but Demi looked almost disappointed in me which made me feel worse. "That was incredibly dangerous Ariceli. That raccoon could have had rabies or any kind of transmittable disease. We were lucky that our nurses have a lot of equipment on hand, but they still want us to watch over you to make sure you don't get sick." Demi said and I just nodded.

"I'm sorry Queen Demetria." I replied quietly. This was the first time I ever had to really say their names to them, but when I said her formal name I got a weird looks from both women.

"Sweetheart, you don't have to call me that long name. You can just call me Demi and you can call Lauren Lo. And I'm sorry for snapping, I just worry." Demi replied.

I gave them an unsure look, "Are you sure? I don't want to be disrespectful."

Lauren came over and wrapped an arm around me, "We are sure sweetie. We want you to be comfortable here. Why don't we go outside for a little bit?"

I nodded and we made our way outside. Demi and Lauren sat on a bench and told me to explore the grounds, just not to go past the gate. I quickly went off looking around and finding so many pretty flowers when I heard shouting.

Even though I'm not a huge fan of shouting I went towards it anyways, I saw two people, a boy and a girl, that seemed like they would be around my age playing in a sandbox I slowly walked over there and the girl instantly saw me.

See waved me over so I went and sat down outside of the sandbox. "Hi! Who you?" The girl asked me in baby talk confusing me somewhat.

"I'm Ariceli. I think the Queens are going to let me work here. What's your name?" I asked the girl.

"I Jadey." She then pointed to the boy, "He Louis."

I smiled and greeted Louis who surprisingly was not using baby talk. "Sorry about her, she is typically around 1 or 2 in headspace so her vocabulary is minimal."

I looked at him confused, "She's a little?"

He nodded his head, "Yeah, so am I. I'm typically 2-3 in headspace. I wasn't feeling little, but Jade still wanted to play."

I nodded slowly putting the pieces together. "Are the Queens your caregivers?" I asked slightly feeling jealous that the Queens may already have a little.

He shook his head, "Lauren's brother Alex and his wife Perrie are our caregivers. The Queens want a little, but they haven't been able to find one. So, how do you know about littles?" Jayden asked.

I squirmed a bit before answering, "I am a little. I don't know what my headspace is though because I haven't been able to slip fully. I've always been on my own and I don't think I would be able to care for myself in little space."

"Does Demi and Lauren know you're a little?" Louis asked me and I quickly shook my head no.

"No. At least I haven't told them. I was actually scared they might find me disgusting if they found out." I confessed.

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