Chapter 4

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Ariceli's POV

After my panic attack, Lauren led me me back inside the living room. "Do you want to watch a movie sweetie?" Lauren asked me as I got settled into one of the couches and she laid a blanket over me.

"Yes please." I said with a small smile.

She smiled back as she made her way over to the television, "Of course, what do you want to watch?"

I twiddled my fingers, I've never seen a movie that I can remember. I don't even know if I would pick something that's an actual movie. "Uhh, you can pick." I told her quietly. She glanced over to me and I saw a sad smile faintly on her face.

"Okay sweetheart. Well Louis' favourite movie right now is Incredibles 2. Would you want to watch that?" Lauren asked me sweetly and I gave a simple sure in  response.

She put the movie in and sat at the opposite end of the couch than me but I wasn't a fan of that. When the movie started, I quietly crawled over to the side of the couch she was on and cuddled into her side. She didn't look at me which I was glad for, but she did move her arm allowing me to snuggle deeper.

Throughout the movie I would feel her gently play with my hair causing me to get drowsy. I didn't make it to the end of the movie because my earlier anxiety attack made me extremely exhausted and cuddling with her put me right to sleep.

I don't know how long I slept for, but I was woken up by Lauren talking to me quietly. "Ariceli. Baby it's time to wake up. It's just about dinner time." I slowly opened my eyes to see Lauren smiling at me. "Did you have a good nap?" Lauren asked and I just nodded my head before laying my head back on her chest.

She carefully pulled me away and helped me stand up while I groaned at her. "I know baby, you're so sleepy. If you sleep any more though you aren't going to be able to sleep tonight." Lauren reasoned with me. "Now come on to the kitchen." She said as she started walking out of the living room.

I ran to catch up and quickly grabbed onto one of her hands causing her to look down to me with a surprised look, but she quickly covered it with a smile.

We made it to the kitchen were I saw Demi waiting with a couple of plates. I let go of Lauren's hand and went over to hug Demi. She didn't quite understand what I wanted when I walked over to her, so I had to tug on her dress causing her to crouch down to me.

"Yes little one?" She asked with  smile causing me to giggle. I never thought I'd like the cutesy nicknames but here we are. I didn't say anything, I just hugged her now that I could reach better. It took her a second, but then I quickly felt her arms around me. I hadn't seen her since the incident and missed her presence.

Once I let go, she kissed my forehead, "Thank you for the hug," she said with a smile. We all sat around the little island that was in the kitchen and I decided to ask a question that was bugging me.

"Why aren't we eating out in the dinning room with everyone else?" They both looked up when I started talking.

My question caused both of them to chuckle while I furrowed my brows. "Our families can be a little chaotic and obnoxious sometimes. We love them dearly, but we didn't want to expose you to all of that just yet." Demi responded.

"But I like Jade and Louis. They're really nice." I confessed to them honestly.

Lauren smiled at me, "I'm glad you like them. Hopefully you'll be able to spend time with them in the future. They can just get a bit rowdy at dinner time."

I nodded my head thinking things over somewhat. "When do I start work?" I saw both of them gulp at that.

"Well, I know I'd prefer if we let you heal slightly ftom the raccoon incident and we also wanted to give you time to settle into your new home." Demi said after clearing her throat.

I just nodded and continued to eat my pasta. After dinner we spent some time in the living room when I got to see Jade and Jayden again. I could tell they were both in little space, but both relatively calm I have seen them twice now, but I have yet to see either of their caregivers.

I wonder if Demi and Lauren have anything to do with that. Both women are sitting on the couch while Jade and Louis were playing on the floor. Demi told me I didn't have to go over there if I didn't want to but I just shook her off and sat next to both littles.

"Hi Louis ! Hi Jadey!" I said to the two playing with legos on the floor.

"Hi Ari." Jade said hugging me.

I hugged her back, but not without shooting her a confused look.

I then looked over to Louis when Jade didn't respond who sort of shrugged. "It's easier than Ariceli for her" I nodded my head and played with the legos with him.

He scooted closer to me to whisper in my ear, "You can trust Lo and De. Dey weally nice and dey would take goo' care of 'ou. Jus' twy otay?" Louis asked me. It was kind of hard with his baby talk, but I got the idea. Jade slipped farther than him normally so maybe his age fluctuates when they're together.

I noticed he was still looking at me so I gave him a small nod." I'll try." He smiled back before focusing on his building. I continued for a little bit, but got tired and walked over to Lauren and Demi.

"Is it okay if I head up to bed? I'm still tired." I asked shyly.

Demi tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, "Of course you can. Do you want one of us to go with you or do you remember how to get back to your room?" Demi asked me.

"I uh don't remember. I'm sorry." I said, ashamed that I didn't pay more attention to the tour.

Demi gently rubbed my arm, "it's okay sweetie. Demi can take you up to your room. I'm going to stay down here with these two until my brother comes for them. Goodnight." She said with a quick kiss to my forehead that caused me to try and hide my smile

I followed Demi out of the room before grabbing her hand like I had done to Lauren earlier. Again it's just to make sure I didn't get lost. Soon enough we were walking into my room and Demi was tucking me into bed.

"Alright sweet cheeks, you're all tucked in. If you need absolutely anything, I will be in the room right next door and Lauren will be up shortly okay?" Demi asked while still sitting on my bed.

"Okay. Thank you for opening your home up to me. I really appreciate it." I confessed to her quietly. She smiled and told me it was her pleasure before kissing my head and leaving the room. I can't believe Jayden thinks I should actually try and slip into little space and let them care for me. I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet. I want to meet the rest of the family first. That was my last thought before my sleep over took me.

I tried to write as many chapters as possible for this week. I'm trying to figure out a regular updating schedule. You guys can also tell me what day of the week you'd like me to update on.


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