4 - 𝙨𝙤𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣, 𝙛𝙡𝙮𝙞𝙣!

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chapter four real lifewarnings : none

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chapter four
real life
warnings : none

the cold morning air that seeped through the small crack of the window that the girl forgot to close completely the night before pricked her exposed skin, causing her to put out her hand and feel around the messy bed for her comforter. but, it was too late, now she was awake which meant she simply wouldn't be able to go back to sleep.

she ran her hand through her tangled hair as she let out a small yawn, grabbing a towel from the hallway closet as she made her way to the bathroom.

fae decided against the idea of listening to her usual morning playlist, instead listening to the morning birds conversation from outside the small window above the shower.

fae hummed along to 'in love' by khai dreams from her chill playlist. the sound of her keyboard clicks from her typing mixing with the song as she worked at her desk, planning out her next streams and answered emails.

she paused her movements, hearing a sound, like something tapping some kind of glass. she shook her head, going back to her work. until the sound continued, it was still early, kinda, it was 9am maybe her brain wasn't working completely yet.

a sigh left her lips as she rolled her chair away from the white desk, getting up and going towards the window. she pulled back the curtains to see a smiley karl jacobs, rocking a messy bedhead look.

"good morning jacobs." fae smiled, locking the window into the place. "morning!" she laughed, shivering as the cold wind blew her wet hair into her face.

"sorry, i was just bored since sean left, theres nobody really to talk too." karl said, completely ignoring the voice in the back of his head screaming about the 59 unopened messages from his group chat. "oh yeah, he went back to school right?" he nodded.

"hold on, i'm gonna go make some tea." fae said, brushing air out of her face. "tea?" karl laughed, "yeah?" he shrugged, "alright, whatever floats your boat."

fae walked back up the stairs, tapping her sage acrylics on the ceramic mug as she heard karl humming. "i'm back! and i've brought my tea!"

"wait, is it crazy to ask if-" "if you could jump over through my window? do it!" he laughed, opening the window completely.

she opened her window, looking down, "okay... if i fall into that bush, put cute stickers on my cast." she said, laughing. "you like gravity falls? i have some stickers i got with mabel and dipper and stuff." karl said, ruffling his hair. "i love gravity falls so much."

fae kicked off her shoes and tucked her hair behind her ears. karl laughed loudly, having his hands out to help her in. fae put her hand over her mouth laughing slightly, "god, why do i do these things."

"do not pull an elsa on me, when i say catch me you better not hit my head with some ice." she said, "awh man, you caught me and my magical ice powers. hurry up!" he joked. she glanced at him with a smile.

and then she jumped, and he caught her. "oh my god!" she said, catching her breath, still in karls arms because he grabbed her the second she was close enough to make sure she didn'[t fall. "you okay? did you hit anything?" he asked, checking her arms. "i'm okay but god i thought i was gonna die."

"don't worry, i caught you." karl said, a joking smile on his face. "oh i'm so glad, my hero!" she said, hand over her forehead. "well, so much for the music video." karl laughed.

"so... what do we do now?" karl asked, laughing. fae let out a small hum, going through ideas in her head. "you have any board games? or we could watch a movie." his eyes lit up, "what if we watch high school musical, cause you were soarin and flyin?" she clapped, "you, dear karl, are a genius." she said, standing up and taking her hair down.

the two sat a good distance on the couch, one or the other occasionally moving a bit over while they laughed and sang along to the songs, resisting temptations to get up and do the choreography.

"do you think gabriela and troy stayed together, like got married and stuff?" fae asked, leaning her head on the arm rest of the couch. "well duh, its a disney movie." karl said, looking at her with a confused face.

"why was sharpay the only one who got another movie, we have countless dumb blonde pink obsessed girl movies we should've gotten like a gabriela back story or something."

as the credits played at the end of their last movie, fae sighed. "karl." she turned to him. "fae?" karl said, his lips curling into a smile. "now you totally don't have to say yes, you wanna go to ikea with me and shop for furniture?" fae asked, smiling. "i'd, be honored."


kinda hate this chapter but its a filler
for the next one, might so crazy and post
the ikea chapter later today

ilysm go take care of yourself

ilysm go take care of yourself

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