The Golden Opportunity

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        The Jail House was Gayberry's only sex dungeon when Andi graduated; the city's only hub of discipline and sexual dominantion set in the greco-roman facade of the former Gayberry jail. While the facility served the needs of all the townspeople from the Mayor to the common sweeper, the methods of dicipline and torture were conventional and pedestrian even by the day's standards. It had recently been purchaced by the retired Army Captain Peaches Pontoon, a native of Raleigh who owned a number of successful sex dungeouns and orgy shows in the city. Before the Jail House, his most popular establishment in the state was Raleigh's own Capitol Punishment. Capitol Punishment was such a success that it made court-themed sex shops the new trend. Looking to extend his business from the capitol. Pontoon found a cheap investment opportunity in Gayberry: the Jail House.

         By the time Pontoon took the reigns he knew it was time to change the scene of the dungeon and bring in a new face. After 40 years of serving the Jail House, the then current 'sherrif' and 'deputy' suddenly retired under mysterious circumstances and quickly relocated to Mount Harlot and opened up a leather shop.  While the shake-up stunned the residents of Gayberry, many wondering who would run the Whip-Rack and keep the Steel Judge (the Jail House's claim to fame) oiled and free from excretment, Capt. Pontoon already had his replacement in mind.

        Uncle Beau was approached by Pontoon one night to discuss Andi's possible future at the Jail House. Ucle Beau recounts the meeting: 

        " The Captain came to our house near Midnight, knowing I was hosting my weekly Strip Poker Night with my best friend, Clark.That's always been what everyone in Gayberry did on Thursday nights: Strip Poker and my famous pickles and Fried Chicken. Not that we ate the pickles, mind you! I invited the captain in to join us however he sadly did not; said he'd rather discuss this away from the usual Gayberry busybodies. I was intrigued, and once he told me his intentions to hire Andi on as the new Sherrif I was shocked! She was only 18! I mean, I knew Andi had the flair for performance and sex appeal...but punishment? It was such a huge responcibility for someone that young...Still, I knew that it quite an opportunity. I didn't know how big of an opportunity it would be but...I told Pontoon I would speak about it with Andi. That made him satisfied enough and he left. Can't say I was satisfied: I was so giddy I ended up losing my truss to Juan the Tableboy!"

        While Uncle Beau may have had his reservations, the young Andi was ready to pounce on the offer.

        "Oh I knew how to give discipline! What Uncle Beau didn't know was that I had been taking the local boys down to the fishin' hole for a little...fresh air. Oh we even had a song we'd sing: 'Take me to the fishin' hole and beat me with your fishin' pole!' I used to whistle it while I took my ole pole down there where the fellas were waitin'. Yes sir, you should have seen them! All lined up while I practive casting and whuppin' on their fine, little hides! Why, I right tanned them then and there! They loved it somethin' fierce! I used to use a net, but...well, he had an incident in Jimbo's lil boat and we all damn-near drowned! Uncle Beau always wondered why I never came home with any catches; I just tell him 'weren't none worth keepin'! So when Uncle Beau come to me, tellin' how Captain Pontoon wanted me to take over the Jail House I jes knew my time had come! Why, I ran right down to his house and told him then and there I would take the job...on one condition: I got to choose my Deputy."

        Andi chose her cousin: Barbara Phife.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2015 ⏰

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