Uncle Beau's Lil Dumplin'

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" Everything I have in this life, I owe to Gayberry." from Andrea Ta'Lor's 1st Gramy acceptance speech.

If one were to drive South down the winding Blue Ridge mountains into North Carolina, waiting for them at the base of the lush, majestic hills would be Gayberry. A sparkeling hub of glittering night clubs, sex dungeons, burlesque parlors, and cabaret bars Gayberry has become the new proving grounds for any up-and-coming stage diva. Thousands come here to try and upsurp the town's long-reigning queen and thousands are sent home in disgrace. Called "the New York of the Hills", Gayberry still hold's its small-town charm while wielding a sharp blade of uptown savvy.

Of course, if one were have seen Gayberry in Andrea's day then gone would be the flash and glam of the Main Street drag and instead would stand the serene, quiet scene of Small Town Americana. Only one sex dungeon stood on Main Street in those days: the not-yet historical Jail House Along with the Jail House was Flora's Hair Salon, (which would one day evolve into the style powerhouse simply dubbed "Flora".) where one could get all the latest gossip under bonnet dryers and manicure lights. It was here that young Andrea, known as Andi all her life, would learn the foundations on her trademark look.

Despite losing both parents at a young age, Andi by all accounts had a loving and full childhood being raised by her bachelor uncle Beauregard Ta'Lor lovingly called Uncle Beau by those that knew him. .

"I was just a Lil Dumplin'," Andi would say when speaking of her upbringing. "That's what Uncle Beau used to call me.  Jes a pickin' flowers  and playin' with the other younguns. It was perfect, really. Most people think it improper for a girl to raised by her uncle but let me tell you Uncle Beau was nothing but a proper gentleman with me!"

To Uncle Beau, Andi was her 'Lil' Dumplin' daughter. Aside from an idyllic childhood wandering the mountain paths of Gayberry, Beau also gave his niece lesson in dance and voice. Even at a young age Andrea's love of the spotlight and passion for performance was duly noted.

At the age of 13 Andrea had her first starring role in a school production of 'Hair' as the character Sheila. Reflecting on her performance, Beauregard would muse "She really shown then and I knew that lil Andy was different than all the other children. She always had such a fearlessness on stage, even during the orgy scene when all the other students chickened out. She had that fire." It was this role that Andi sang what was to be one of her many future hits: " I Believe in Love". She made the front page ofthe Gayberry Gazette: a photo of her being wheeled in on a wheel barrow as she sang, surrounded by other classmates. " WE BELIEVE IN LOVE" was the headline followed by a rave review of the performance. It was Andi's first time making the front page and it certainly wouldn't be the last. And it wouldn't be the last time she caught the eye of someone who would chnage her life, however this person would begin Ta'Lor's ascent into the Stars: Captain Yancy Pontoon, the new owner of Gayberry's Jail House.

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