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Calum: Get here now!

Ashton looked over at Micheal who had received the same distressed text from Ashton's mate and shared the same nervous glance before springing out of their chairs and running up the the front desk that they had been held up at just a few minutes ago.

The older omega nurse sitting at the desk by the door pursed her lips when she saw the two alphas approaching again, but decided, more for her sanity, not to say anything she'd regret. She merely adjusted her teddy bear scrubs and took a deep breath before turning towards the two to ask, "how can I help you, gentlemen?"

"We need to go back there," Micheal informed her.

"And why is that?" she asked patiently.

Ashton sighed, really not feeling like they had the time, before going into an explanation anyways, "my mate is back there with a patient, our friend, who's very anxious because he's never had an appointment for uh... omega problems-" he fumbled around the words awkwardly, "-before. So he needs our help to go settle him down." He rushed out the last sentence as quickly as possible and turned as though he already knew that he was going to get the all clear to head on back.

The nurse sighed and got ready to repeat the same information she had told them just moments before again when three extra people tried to go into the appointment with a very unhealthy-looking omega.

"I'm sorry he's feeling that way," she started. "But no alphas, other than mates, are allowed into the appointment. It's for the safety of all the omega patients and staff-"

"He's my intended!"

Ashton's head snapped towards the voice he just heard, certain that it couldn't have been his best friend that just said that, but of course, it was. If he hadn't known any better, he'd believe him too with the wide-eyed, desperate look he had on his face.

"Why didn't you say that earlier?" she asked, looking suspicious.

Micheal's face turned blank for a moment before returning to desperation. "It's new," he said, looking very nervous.

"Very new," Ashton added, but not exactly lying as long as new meant something decided by Micheal by himself without the other's knowledge within the last five seconds.

"I see," the nurse said flatly and turned back to computer as if to ignore them both completely.

Her blank face and bored tone, grated on Ashton's nerves making him feel desperate to get to and help his omega.

"My omega is his Den Mother," he said suddenly and without much thought, and if Micheal's reaction was anything to go off of, maybe he should have given it more thought.

Michael's eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head as he turned to stare at Ashton who was holding his breath to see if this new addition would get them back to see the two omega's.

The nurse stopped typing to swing her head around take turns looking back and forth between the two men standing in front of her for a few moments, unable to decide who she thought was more stupid.

Finally, she said, "so you all are a pack, or soon to be one, once this one," she pointed at Micheal, "mates with the patient, and your mate," she now pointed at Ashton, "is Den Mother of a pack at the ripe age of twenty-something, meaning that I am to believe that you are Head Alpha of said pack at the old age of twenty-something."

"Yes?" Ashton said although he could hear the question in his voice.

"Uh-huh," she said, "and there were no other mates alphas with, I don't know, more experience, children, or any other qualifications in your pack?"

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