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Y/n couldn't run much longer
My lungs ache
Agh! Cramp...
My legs are burning.
Once again Y/n was weaving through the crowds of miserable people, this time with a cause.
The prince was closing in on her, barely phased by the tedious amount of exercise.
Exhausted, Y/n ducked into a run-down bakery she was fond of. Grabbing some brain-food on her way, and opened the back door, but instead of exiting, they ducked behind the register and motioned to the clerk to keep his mouth shut.
The prince barrelled into the store and noticed to back door opened. The baker pointed to the door to confirm y/n went that way and y/n was safe.
"Thank you, kind sir." Y/n praised the baker, and in return he held out his hand, motioning to the bread she had stolen. Y/n nodded and dug into their stolen purse for a few iron nuggets. The baker counted them out meticulously and shooed them away.
When y/n got outside, she immediately tensed. Something was off...
Oh no... he's here. They didn't know how, but they knew he was nearby. She just hoped he didn't know, too.
Techno pov
The woman had disappeared. How did she get away?
He didn't know why, but he felt like she was nearby.
Must be my godly hunting senses, he thought.
Following his instincts, he crept around to the front of the store and to his satisfaction, found the girl he had been searching for. He reached for his tranquiliser. He didn't want to kill her, yet.
Y/n pov
He's here. I know it. I have to go.
Maybe I should look around first...
Y/n turned sharply to the direction they thought he may be in.
She saw his eyes widen in shock that she found him. She too was surprised.
Not wasting another moment of his fortunate paralysis, she y/n bolted off.
Techno pov
I can't let her get away. NO ONE escapes me.
With deadly aim, he shot his tranquiliser dart right into her neck. She collapsed.
Y/n woke to a dim room. It was humid and clammy, and she felt like she wanted to wriggle out of her skin. So uncomfortable...
The man from earlier stood in front of her. Looming over them.
"'Bout time you woke. Sorry for the room quality, they wouldn't let me put you upstairs yet." He motioned to a silver platter before her. "Eat. You'll need your strength. We start training tomorrow afternoon."
"HA. Sorry what?"
"For the militia. You're in my quadrant, cadet."
(i don't know ranks and shit don't come at me i'm trying guys)
"I'm not... fit for that. Just let me go."
"You are the only person who has ever even come close to evading me. You're savvy. We need that"
"You want ME to aid you in the war against Dream's men? That's ridiculous. I'm a no one."
"We both know that's not true. You felt it too didn't you... you're one of us."
Y/n didn't know where her sudden aggression came from, but she knew she wasn't anything like them.
"I'M NOT LIKE YOU! And I don't want to be!! I want no part of your family feud. Dream is YOUR BROTHER. You don't need to waste millions of innocent lives because you children can't get along."
The prince did not respond to this. Instead, he unshackled her wrists and ankles and offered a hand to help her up.
"That's enough discussing that topic. There is more to me than the war. If you care enough to find out."
"Why on EARTH would I 'care enough to find out'? I despise you, and ALL you stand for. Maybe all the royal maidens are head over heels in love with you, but in the town, we fantasise DISMEMBERING your body parts and cooking it up for our starving families"
"I- I'm sorry... that's not what I meant..."
"I suppose you don't have an explanation for what you really meant, huh?"
"Didn't think so."
The prince led Y/n down a series of confusing hallways, through what seemed like a thousand doors and rooms until they reached what looked like a main great room. The front door? Opened loudly, and Techno stopped short.
"We're not expecting anyone..." He muttered. "Unless... No...not now!"
"BROTHER!" A broad-shouldered masked man waltzed up to the pair like he owned the place. Y/n expected that soon he would.
"What are you doing here? GUARDS!" Techno unsheathed his sword and pressed the tip against the neck of his brother.
"Ah ah ah... I wouldn't do that if I were you. See, this is MY kingdom now. I made a deal with our mother dearest and gained control... The catch? I have to spare you. Of course, you are under my control, so there's that plus!"
Techno had no words for this. Feeling bad, y/n placed a supportive hand on his back. He flinched in shock, obviously not used to affection. Sorrow stung at y/n's eyes, pity coursing through her heart.
"And who might this rugged maiden be? She yours?"
"I am MINE, mind you. I am the prince's..." Y/n searched for a word, trainee? Soldier? Captive? Hostage?
"Friend. She is my friend." It was y/n's turn to be shocked. She forced a smile and turned towards Dream, who was just as shocked as they were.
"Huh. Der kleine Prinz has friends now, eh? Never thought I'd see the day. She's not a royal, that I can see... where are you from girl?"
"Just down in the lower villages..."
"Vague huh? Whatever. Technoblade, go to your room, wherever that may be. I'll find your friend 'somewhere to stay."
"Ah ah ah... new protocol, remember? You're under my control!"
~exit the blade~
"Say, girl, you got a name?"
"Wow, you're not much of a talker, eh?"
"Oh-okay, then. Guards, take her to the guest suite. Farthest down the hall in the east wing."
Flanked by stoic knights, Y/n was escorted to her new room. They  carelessly tossed her into the suite and locked the door behind her.
"Mind your manners you ruffians, treat me like a lady, EH?!" They hissed through the door, banging and kicking at the solid spruce. Seeing as it was pointless, they decided to take a look around.
Y/n eyes could hardly bear the glimmer of all the golden decor. All genuine precious materials from the gold-woven fringes on the rug, to the diamond-encrusted doorknobs and the emerald topped bed-posts. Their eyes wandered to a secluded area surrounded by bookshelves. Intrigued, y/n carefully made her way through the mess of book piles and documents strewn on the floor. Eventually, she came to
"Y/n... what are you doing here?"
The prince.
"Me? This is the guest suite? Don't you have your own room?"
"This room is secluded. It provides me solitude and quiet. Alone."
"Well, sorry to disturb your chi or whatever, but I didn't have much say in the matter."
"Hmm. I suppose you are right."
Y/n stared at him, dumbfounded. "Well, DUH!"
"Whatcha reading?" Y/n plopped themself down on the armrest of the chair Techno was sitting in, reading intently. "Must be suuppperr interesting. You haven't broken focus in 35...36 minutes. Ha, I've been watching the clock that long too."
Techno scooched away from them as far as he could and simply flashed her the cover of his book.
"Sun Tzu, The Art of War???? OH MY! That was my bedtime story as a child!"
"... wait really?"
"HAHA HA HA NO! But I did read it a few times as a teenager. Stole- Found it... uh... somewhere." Nice save "Didn't look like it helped you much. I mean, you seem to know your enemy pretty well, and yet- zilch."
"Don't forget he knows me too."
"Then maybe you need to be somebody else."
"Huh. And I thought your moral would be 'be yourself' or something sappy."
"Well, you aren't a likeable person."
"You don't like me?"
Y/n hesitated, choosing her next words carefully. They didn't want to upset such a dangerous person.
"I... I don't know you well enough to make that decision... But initial reaction? I didn't."
Techno shrugged, as he expected this. Y/n studied his long, wavy, rosy pink locks.
"Can I call you Blade?"
"Uh... I've never had a nickname..."
"Well now you do! And one more question..."
"Uh... what."
"This may seem really weird and kinda creepy but... can I braid your hair?"
Techno stared at her dumbstruck. *blink*blink*
"Hehe, did I hear you right?"
"PLEASE? I've never seen such long, smooth hair..." *sniff* "Is that rosewater?"
Techno stumbled out of his chair and backed up.
"Oh come on. You're the one who got me in this situation! The least you can do is let me have a little fun!"
"I- I guess you can braid my hair? I... this is weird."
"Who cares? As of today, my whole life is weird."
"Can't argue with that, me too. Hair toolset is in that drawer, second down on the left."
Y/n excitedly gather the tools and set to work on his hair
A/n That was fun lol
Remember how much I love you and how valid you are! No matter how much you doubt yourself, someone out there cares!
Hydrate and stay healthy!
Love el

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