Chapter 2

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I hooped inside the back of Cody's truck and leaned my head back on the window as he started up the engine. Vicky soon came up and sat next to me along with a few other hunters.

We were on our way to a nest of warlocks and witches who have recently moved, do to us tiling them. So we went back to camp and regrouped for a few days knowing good and well where they were, we had them followed and watched to make sure they didn't take any humans for sacrifices for there stupid rituals. Unfortunately for them we have been informed of them taking a few people and bringing them back to there camp.

I never understood witches, the evilness to them anyway. Why? Why were they that way? What did they tell them selfs to make them think what there doing is ok? Or do they know there evil monsters but just don't care. You see I get why vampires and werewolf's are the way they are. I am not defending them I just understand. Werewolf's are just like animals, they'd go out, hunt and kill for food just like any wild animal would do. They were born wild and couldn't help who they are. Vampires have no souls so I could get why they could drain someone dry and not give it a second glance. Witches always got to me though, they were the closest supernatural beings to a human with the only defiance of there powers. So when we arrived and I seen them preparing a family of 5 to do god knows what with I felt my blood begin to boil. Tess Signaled us to surround the area and attack at once and that's just what we did.

Some starting running, others began chanting. In all the commotion and fighting I ran straight for the humans tied by there hands. I undid the little girls hands first and watched as she grabbed her wrists in pain.

"It's going to be ok" I reassured her then undid the Bounds of what looked to be her older brother. once he was lose, he immediately started helping me with his parents ropes. Just then I was being dragged back by what I could only describe to be a magnetic pull. The little girl screamed in a terrified cry and her mother grabbed her tightly pulling her in to her arms.

"Go!" I yelled at them, "get out of here!"

Next thing I new I felt a small yet strong hand on the back of my neck in a death grip.

"Come to die, bitch?" A wicked female voice said into the back of my neck.

When I didn't answer, I felt the evil smile grow on her face.

"Then you Came to the right place" she added before my head started to Throb.

She was obviously casting a killer spell, one that was impossible to get out of because i couldn't even think. The only think that my mind processed at the moment was pure pain. Then on instinct i bent my knee and grabbed the knife in my boot and quickly stuck it into her right hip. The spell immediately faded as she grabbed her hip in pain. I left her lying there and went to help the others.


Looking back on that day it had been a true success, not only did we all return to camp, but most of us were unharmed. I looked across the campfire over at Vicky talking to one of the other hunter girls her age, Raboso I believe her name was. She was a tall girl with dark hair and mocha skin, she looked like a modern day Cleopatra! I however never seemed to play nice with other people. It's not like I was rude or anything I guess I just liked to be by myself, a loner or at least I thought I was until Cody come sit next to me. Cody I thought. What a extremely ordinary name for a hunter. From beside me he smiled showing off his white teeth and Pleasant features. His blonde hair met his green eyes with a very normal school boy jock look.

"Hi" I told him awkwardly

"Oh right, hi" he said after a while.

I looked away from him and back at beth, she was smiling and laughing along with a group of other people, this made me smile.

"So what's your deal?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I said turning back to him.

"Well, with you. Your always so to your self, so reserved. What's that about?" He asked.

"I guess it just suits me." I said truthfully.

"Well here's the thing, I think it's because of what happened with your parents." He said.

"What would you know about that?" I snapped but then placed my hands on my mouth.

"I am sorry Cody, I didn't mean.." I said before he cut me off.

"I know."he said "We all lost someone that day. For you it was your parents. For me it was my brother. For others it was lovers and friends."

I nodded in understanding.

"The point is, you can't let that define you. Your parents wouldn't of wanted that for you and my bother wouldn't want that for me ether. If you need to talk about it then talk to someone. Keeping it all to yourself does nothing but hurt you even more, trust me." He said with a moment of sad eyes.

I did my best at reassuring him I was fine by flashing a smile. He starred at me for a little and my smile faded.

"What?" I asked. "Is there something on my face?" I asked remembering I didn't even bother to shower since we got back.

"No.." He said amused. "I just like your face" he said "wait, I didn't mean It like that..That just sounds.."

"Creepy" I finished for him as I giggled.

"What I meant was your very.."

"Weird?" I cut in

"Beautiful" he finished.

I blushed, like a school girl getting asked out on her first date. Sure I dated a few guys here and there, but it never lasted long. Like I said, I like to keep to myself so I usually went for emotionally detached men. in other words (jerks) so having a guy with somewhat feelings, expressing how he feels was different. Not bad, just new.

I watched as his green eyes danced in the fire light and saw my own reflection through them. Blonde hair met with my creamy skin. Hazel eyes connected to my dark lashes and made me glow even more in the fires light.

"Are you going to be at the Training tests tomorrow?" I asked

His eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store.

"Your kidding right? Who misses out on the chance to watch all those cocky kids that think there god, get there asses handed to them by the teachers." He said in a smile.

I giggled and agreed.

"Well i better be going, I won't get up in time if I stay up late." I said truthfully as I called Vicky away from her friends. She said her goodbyes and made her way over to me.

"Hi Cody" she said.

"Hi Vick!" He said. "Nice job on the Field today, only 2 years in and your already kicking butts like the rest of us!"

A part of me felt a bit jealous of Vicky. She was so lovable and everyone seemed to noticed everything she did.

"Thanks Cordelia." She teased and he hit her upside the head playfully.

"Alright, time for bed." I said as I practically yanked her away from him to our tents.

She turned to me with a knowing smile. "It looks to me as if someone's a bit jealous" she winked.

Yay! Seconded chapter in! If you are reading this please take a moment to like and maybe comment so I know that this book is worth continuing! Thanks!

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