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Y/n's Pov

Everyone's just the same Y/n... You can't trust them, He'll use you, you don't deserve to be happy. Were the only thoughts running through my mind as I ran up the flights of stairs. I want to trust them, but I cant seem to bring myself to it. I just can't... People are all the same... They just come and go as they please. I don't wanna have to be hurt again. After finally making it to the roof top I slide my back against the wall and cry. "I cant take this a-anymore... I j-just cant trust anyone here. They w-will just leave me like everyone else does" I sob. Why am I even crying at this point. God Y/n... Just get over yourself. I flinch at the sudden hand rubbing my back "Go a-away..." I cried not even caring to look up to see who it was. "I'm not leaving you" A male voice said. I slowly looked up to see Eunwoo. "W-why are you here?" I tried to wipe my tears away so he wouldn't see me like this but instead he grasps my wrist to stop what I was doing.

"I should be asking that question missy... It's just a boy... I mean If you didn't like him It's not your fault." he said but I just shook my head. "That's not it though..." Eunwoo looks at me confused. "Then what is it?" I just pull my hands out of his grasp and shake my head again. "It doesn't matter now leave me alone..." I say digging my face into my knees again, but Eunwoo just chuckled and grabbed me while pulled me into a hug. I have to say I was completely lost. What do I do hug him back. I mean of course hug him back but still. He's just using you~ You don't think he actually cares for you, Do you? I just shake my head and slowly rap my arms around him and placed my head into his chest. 'Just this once' I thought. "thank you" I whispered. "Of course anything for a friend..." I slightly looked up to see Eunwoo's warm smile. Yeah "Friend".

After a long comforting hug Eunwoo sat down next to me. "H-how is Sanha doing... I mean I saw him sitting with you guys when you dragged me over there so I figured-" Eunwoo cuts me off. "Y/n he misses you. He told my why you guys stop talking... The thing is he never said that..." Eunwoo gave me a sad smile. "But that's not what the others said." I don't know if Eunwoo was just messing with me or he was telling the truth. "Why would Sanha say something like that If you guys were childhood friends? He cares about you Y/n, and I can tell... Maybe try to talk to him, You might get the real story..." He was right, I really do miss him. Hell the people that told me that left me anyways, but Sanha was my first and only friend when we were younger. I should try to talk to Sanha... "Can you call him? I wanna... I wanna see him" He smiled big and grabbed his phone out. "On it." I hope Eunwoo was right.

Time Skip: Next Day, Before School

I was waiting to meet Sanha at the school library. I was starting to think Eunwoo was just messing with me because Sanha was supposed to be here 15 minutes ago... I Sadly grab my bag and as I was just about to head out the door I hear Sanha calling my name. "Y-Y/n wait! Please wait!" Sanha pants. I turn around to see Sanha holding a bag of my favorite candy and a medium sized stuff bear. I giggled lightly as he came to a stop right in front of me. "You never forgot" I smiled a little. "Of course! Why would I forget my best friends favorite candy!" He smiled while throwing his hands up in the air dramatically. "Anyway first things first here is your candy Y/N/N (your nickname) and lets take a seat so we can talk." I smile widely at the nickname he would always call me by and take the candy and sit down. "So I wanted to start off with this." Sanha took a deep breath before continuing. "Y/n we were friends since childhood and we were so close. I love you so much and I just want you to know I would never say those things. Why would I want your money when I got my own." Sanha said while flipping his imaginary long hair. I giggled... "Yeah your right. I just don't understand why I even believed someone that I was barely even close to..." I look down feeling ashamed. "Oh it's okay Y/niee! We were young. We were gullible" Sanha got up and stood next to me and knelt down. He grabbed a box with a necklace in it with half of a heart with Sanha's name engraved in it. "But Choi Y/n will you do the honor and making me the happiest little man alive and be my best friend again" He looked up at me with his shiny pleading puppy eyes that he knows I cant resist. "Of course!" Sanha immediately jumped up grabbing me and twirling me in the air. "I missed you Y/n... So so so much!" Sanha puts me down and puts the necklace on me. Then showing me the other half of the heart necklace with my name engraved into it around his neck. "Quiet down! This is a library not a playground!" The librarian whisper shouted. "Sorry miss" Me and Sanha both bowed at the lady and we quickly grab our stuff and head out the Library door.

"Now what?" I ask. Sanha thinks for a minute. "Wanna go meet my friends? I mean we never introduced you to them properly." Sanha clapped in excitement. I don't wanna meet them though, but it's for Sanha. "I-I guess..." Sanha quickly grabbed my hand and dragged me down the hallway to my locker. I was confused. Why my locker? "Put your stuff away..." Ohh that's why. I do as he says and as soon as I close my locker I'm immediately backed to being dragged. "Hyungs!" Sanha yells. "God damn Sanha not so loud!" I smacked him after he was done dragging me. "Ow" He says sarcastically. "Don't even Sanha... You know who will win this fight" I said showing him a slight glare. Sanha just pouts. "Not fair..." Everyone laughs. "So you guys made up?" Eunwoo asks. "Yep!" Sanha yells while grabbing me, hugging me tight. "That's good... By the way I'm JinJin, That's Rocky, Moonbin, and Mj" The guys smiled at me and did a little wave. I Just smile back at them figuring they already knew my name.

Time Skip: End of School

"Y/n!" great can't I just be alone. I turn around to see Sanha and his friends... Oh Sanha... "Do you wanna hang out with us?" It wouldn't be that bad besides I could stay away from home now, at least for a little bit. just when I was about to agree but my phone stared to ring. I looked at the caller ID and my faced drop. Father... "Yes Appa?" "Don't Appa me you little bitch get your ass home now!" after he said that he hung up. Shit... "What's wrong Y/n?" Eunwoo asked. "I need t-to go." I didn't give them a chance to speak as I ran as fast as I could out of the school.

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