pure, Suds 3 | Episode 13

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{Last time on Suds, Lique was torn between loving and leaving Terrance. But Terrance decided he wasn't going anywhere. Brother man even tried to get in good with Lique's estranged mother.

Meanwhile, Jeanette was nearby watching their love story unfold and I don't think sista girl plans to go down without a fight.

Let's pop in. Ready, Set... Suds!!}

LIQUE stepped into the quaint, shabby chic bedroom. Her queen sized bed was adorned in a floral duvet and sheer white drapes flanked the headboard, draping lazily over the bed.

She smiled, sliding her hand over the distressed robin egg blue dresser that Terrance helped her paint, and put her handbag on top. She loved the sweet simplicity of her favorite room. Being away for two nights felt like an eternity.

Terrance hugged her from behind.
"Welcome back, Bae."
She grinned. "I'm surprised your fiancé didn't trash my room."

He shook his head. "I doubt she noticed there was another room back here. She barely left my room."

Lique bit her lip. "Is she here?"
"Nah. She got mad and left earlier."
"Mad about what?" Lique pried.
"Me not moving out." He turned her around and gazed into her eyes. "Me being in love with my best friend."

Lique laughed.
"You're not in love with me."
He chuckled. "You had to know."
She shook her head. "You weren't—"
"I am in love with you."

Before she could argue, he moistened her lips with his, quieting her half baked objections.

"I love you," he said between kisses, taking a moment to look in her eyes. "It was always you."

Her body tingled to life as his kisses woke desires that had withered and died inside her years prior.

She arched into him, closing gaps their friendship had left open and freed years of holding back.

Terrance grunted, lifted Lique and placed her gently on the bed. "I love you," he confessed between kisses. "You gotta know that."

His words pressed buttons she never knew she had and she craved them as much as his roaming touch.

Slowing, he shallowed their kiss and stroked her hair. "We don't have to," he whispered through ragged breaths.

Lique pulled him down to her lips, kissing him deep as she wrapped her legs around him.

Her bedroom door flew open.
"Lique, I didn't know—"
Mrs. Holt looked up from the jacket in her hand and gasped.

Terrance scampered off her and away from the bed. And Lique sat upright, unable to pick her shamed gaze off the floor.

Terrance wiped his mouth. "Hey momma."
"Hey yourself," she said crossing her arms. "Didn't realize I had to knock on this door."

"You don't," Lique said, keeping her eyes on the hardwood floors.

Mrs. Holt pursed her lips and tossed Lique's jacket on the cake batter yellow chair.
"Come with me," she said to Terrance and stormed away.

Lique covered her face. "I'm so embarrassed." She stammered. "I— I should have gone home."

He chuckled, pulling her into his arms. "You are home."
She shook her head. "Momma's going to kick me out for sure."

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