pt.36. the call

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Alec: "uhh bad news?"

Celeste: "soo... Y/N got stabbed an-"

she get cut off with a grunt (she was on speaker phone btw)

Alec: I bet it was that mother f**king black haired demon

Celeste: *sigh* we got a winner... AND she controlled ka- I mean Funneh to kill her

Alec: *sniffles*

Celeste: are you... Crying?

Alec: *crying* why wouldn't I be crying a demon made my best friend kill my other best friend an-

You never heard Alec like this you only heard his normal voice and his sweet spot but... Not this

Celeste: shhhh she is fine she is recovering and can talk

Alec: thank. GOD... Can I talk to her?

Celeste: of course

She hands you the phone

You: I'm ok Alec don't worry

Alec: I'm so glad

He says with a sniffle

You: you want some good news

Alec: yes please

You: well you don't have to work for Ayano because she is in jail!

Alec: they caught her!?

You: mhm!

Alec: yes!

You hear distant talking from the other line

Alec: have to go I hope you feel better soon

You: alright bye Alec (or my nickname for him Raspberry 😊)

End of call
Made by: Moon_Light35

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