Chapter two:Ethan picture

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Mark P.O.V

I felt so upset right now. I didn't know if I could make it though this damn school. And I haven't even a day here.

I couldn't ask for a change of school again. Just bacause those idiots insult me. It's not a big deal, I'm just going to avoid them as much as possible during the next three long years.

I walked through the halls among the crowd of student, while pulling out a piece of paper to see my locker number and the code to open it.

Locker #69

I cursed inside me, really?Now I get the most awkward locker in the school and it had to be the damn number why me?

I guess this locker had been assigned to some people before, but they asked for a replacement due to the awkwardness of the number. And because I'm new, they decide yo give me the only one availabe, I guess.

Whatever. Maybe I was just over thinking, I made my way to my locker until I stood in front of it. What could be so bad about having locker #69?

''crap, man you got locker #69?'' A male voice spoke next to me as I typed in the code.

I turned to see a boy around my age. He was wearing glasses and his skin was slightly tanned. He was looking in the code.

''I' umm..... well yes. what's wrong about it''

''Man, that's the most awkward locker in the school nobody want's it.'' He said and laugh a little.

guess I was right

''please don't ask me why.'' He added. Of course won't ask why. Because that locker is the locker of the biggest loser and stupid boy that has been transfer in different school because all student make fun and insult him and I think if I was him I would probably can't take it.

I looked around and saw some people were laughing at my direction. I just shook my head. So much drama for a single locker.

''Well I got this locker, and I can't change it.''

''Of course you can, maybe I can take you to the principal office and ask for replacement.''

''it's ok thanks, there are worse things than this, really.''

''you're right.'' He said with another smile.'' what's your name?''

''I'm Mark, and you?''

''I'm Carl.'' We shook hands. '' I presume your new here in this school?''


''what do you think about it so far.''

Well, it's sucks that I already made some enemies. And all because they caught me looking at that bad boy, but I wasn't going to tell him.

''it's fine, I can get to used to being here. I guess''

''Alright, that's cool, if you want we can take a walk and I can show you around the school.

''That would be nice, Thanks.'' I replied smiling at him.

At the moment the double door open and everyone looked at that direction.

The group of assholes who made fun of me out there walked through the hall, People stare at theme as they walked through the school halls, people on the way step a side instantly not wanting to get trouble and mess up with Ethan and their friends.

They were talking and laughing about something, while others murmured things.

It's suprising how everyone would shot there mouth close when they passed by.

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