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"Bryce you're not getting it right, come on." I said
"Y/N I'M TRYING" bryce yelled. "clearly not hard enough." This went on for a while until we got the dance somewhat okay to post on the SwayLa TikTok account.

I had come over to see Josh, the guy i've been dating in secret for a while now. I'm shocked no one has found out yet considering how hard it's been hiding it form everyone but we just want to see how everything is going before all the guys know.

"I'm really hungry, who wants to go get food?" Griffin yelled through out the house. Everyone but me and Josh went, giving us time to be alone.

As soon as everyone left I ran to Joshes room to be with him and only him. "Hey baby" he said. "Is everyone gone?" "Ya they all went to get food." "Ugh finally" he yelled and pulled me into a tight hug causing us to both fall on the bed.

We had been laying in bed for a while when I felt Josh get on top of me. He hovered over me kissing down my neck. "You're so hot y/n" he whispers in my ear. I was so distracted by Josh I didn't hear the loud noises coming from outside the door. "I love you so much" Josh said.

Right after he finished his sentence the door busted open with 20 cameras and all the boys. "Get out guys" I said while Josh covered me up with the sheets on the bed.

"Woah so ya'll are a thing now?" bryce asked. "I guess it's not a secret anymore." Josh told me. "I guess not"

I could tell all the guys we're the most confused they've ever been in their lives. I honestly can't believe we got away with it for so long. "I swear to god if I see that footage anywhere I will kill each and everyone one of you." Josh told everyone.

"Now, please get out so we can finish." he said. "Alright, have fun you guys. But not too much fun." Kio told us

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