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(this is based off of a situation that happened when he was dating Nessa)
"Good morning princess" I heard Josh whisper in my ear as I woke up. He tightened his grip around me and kissed my check. I smiled and told him goodmoring too. We laid in bed a little longer and I got my phone to go on TikTok. I went to Josh's proffile to see if he had posted anything after the video he stitched with me to the sound "Looking at me I know you wanna fuck me, I'll give you this dick if you lucky" and the whole Jackson Mahomes was going on. I definitely think it's for clout but who knows. Josh had walked out of the room at this point and I saw he had posted a video. When I clicked on it I saw it was a duet with Jackson. He had used the same video Josh had originally stitched which made Josh duet it. He showed me sleeping in his bed in the back as his response and I immediately yelled his name. "JOSH OH MY GOD GET BACK HERE" he came back in the room clueless to why I was yelling especially since we were in the house with multiple people. "What Y/n? You okay?" He asked me. "Um- well no what is this?" I said pointing to the video he had posted. "I thought that was a good response?!" He said shocked that I seemed mad. "Look in the comments to his response" He said laughing going back to the bathroom to finish brushing his teeth. I opened the comments to see Jackson saying "she looks bored" with such a cringe emoji. Then I clicked on the reply's and saw "long night probably tired" by Josh. I jumped out of bed and into the bathroom to hit him on his chest. "I can't believe you would say that- omg" I told him knowing it would be posted everywhere and we weren't even official yet even though I did kind of like everyone knowing I was Josh's. "Oh so you want to be with Jackson now?" Josh remarked in a sarcastic voice. "ugh shut up" I told him also in a sarcastic tone and went back to his bed. He got back in bed and cuddled with me again. "You know you love me saying those things" he said while going to kiss me. I kissed back for a while then smiled because Josh really does know me.

a/n- this is terrible again sorry but everyone seems to like the josh imagines, leave requests and comment if you want me to write more!!

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