Press  conference

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I sat in the side of the room with Blake , Noah and Raffy watching my boyfriend and the rest of the tiktokers that were boxing in the Tiktoker vs. Youtuber fight at the press conference. After they all walked out my heart was racing for Bryce knowing something is bond to happen. When it got to be his turn to speak all I heard was him interrupting people. "Shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up" I heard him yell. "You can suck my dick" he said next pointing down to his crouch. Blake then looked at me saying "you already did" which made Noah laugh and I just rolled my eyes. Austin and Bryce both stood up and I was freaking out. I hate Bryce fighting so you can imagine how i've felt throughout this entire thing. I thought everything was fine when he sat back down but boy was I wrong. He looked at me in a way of apologizing then tackled Austin after he tried to 'step' up on him again. All hell broke lose. Everyone recording and joining in on the fight. I had been shoved in the middle of things because of where the fight had broke through. After the guards had pulled Bryce and Austin away from each other I could finally stand up after being pushed to the ground. Bryce ran over to me to see if I was okay along with everyone else. "Oh my god Y/n, I'm so sorry baby" He told me. I said it was okay even though I was clearly bleeding from everything that had just happend. Raffey led me into the bathroom close by. I heard Bryce get back on the microphone, "Messing with me is one thing but once you hurt my girl, it's over for you Austin Mc-pussy, and to think I was gonna go easy on you" Bryce told everyone knowing the last line wasn't true. I just smiled as I saw him walk past me and wink. "He really loves you, ya know." Raffy said wiping the dried blood off my face.

a/n- the press conference was so funny
and I saw someone comment a request on the ness, Josh and Jaden situation- I've only ever wrote Y/n imagines so I may make it where Nessa is just y/n but we'll see.
Thank you for requesting!!
love you guys❤️

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