XIX - london boy

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Taylor feels the world becoming blurry and her visions are incoherent at this point. All she wants is a drink right now but unfortunately she can't have any alcohol. She vaguely remembers Joe helping them check into their hotel room, walking into the elevator and collapsing onto the hotel bed. She can't even think straight at this point, and her appetite has vanished. She felt her breathing become ragged and sweat was running down her back. Her legs were now shaky, unable to stabilize her body. Her morning sickness stopped a few days ago, but she felt the sudden urge to vomit again. She quickly bolts up from the bed, tears still streaming down her face, and runs to the bathroom, quickly followed by Joe.

Joe rubs her back and holds her hand as she vomits into the toilet, momentarily letting go of her hand to hold her messy hair back. Her hair is tangled with the buttons on her coat, which is covered in cat hair. Taylor thinks about her three cats back in London and how they're doing. How she wished to be one of them right now, with not a care in the world and no problems at all.

She wipes her mouth with a wad of toilet paper and sighs before leaning her head onto Joe. He brushes her bangs out of her sweaty face and plants a few kisses on her forehead. "I'm so proud of you," he mumbles into her ear.

Taylor smiles gratefully at him. She's happy he's here with her now. He sweeps her off her knees, gently carrying her to their bed. Without any words, he opens her luggage and takes out her favourite pair of pyjamas. He helps her change into them, placing a few kisses onto her baby bump as he did. He tucks her into bed and kisses her head again. "Take some rest babe, we can talk about it later, hm? It's gonna be okay. I'll sleep on the couch so you can have some space. Love you."

He's just about to walk to the couch when she pulls him back to her. "I don't need space from you, silly. Stay with me please."

Joe smiles at her. She's so precious to him; he could never let go of her. "Of course. I'll just go change out of these clothes first."

She grins cheekily at him. "Don't put anything on," she joked.

Surprisingly, he listens to her and peels off his jeans and shirt, leaving him in his boxers. He crawls into bed with her and holds her tightly from behind. They exchange goodnights and fall into a dreamless sleep.

When Joe finally wakes up, he checks the time and sees that it was already dinnertime. He quickly calls his mother to quietly explain the situation and ask for advice. "Just be there for her. God knows how much she needs your support right now, Joseph. Send Taylor my love," she had said. After he ended the call, he checks the hotel room service menu and orders for the both of them, knowing exactly what Taylor would want. She had to eat for the baby.

After the two phone calls had been made, he had to make one last one. He scrolled down his contact list, his hands shaking as he pressed call. He took deep breaths to calm himself until he heard a deep "Hello".

"Um, hi Mr Swift," Joe greeted. "I'd like to speak with you and discuss a few things in person. Is there any chance we could meet up?"

"I really don't have time for this," Scott sighed. "What do you want?"

"As I said, there are a few things I'd like to discuss with you, Sir," Joe said, trying to remain patient.

"Alright," Scott gave in. "When?"

"Is tomorrow afternoon, 1 pm at a restaurant okay? I'll send you the details."

"Fine. Goodbye." And with that, he hung up.

Joe breathed a sigh of relief. Now all he had to do was make sure Taylor wouldn't be suspicious of him. Just then, he heard a knock on the door and he rushed to open it.

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