Skeleton Creek

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November 14th 1993 1:17pm

My names Tosla I live in Skeleton Creek with my mother, father, and younger sister. Skeleton Creek is a small town with a population around 730, the town is old with many family businesses along the streets. Large mountains surround the town with lush green pine trees at the bottom. Many grey rain clouds cover the sun and the sky, it rains plenty every year with no snow. I've never seen snow only in the movies seeing children having snowball fights, creating snow forts and making snow angels.

I dreamed about doing that when I was a child but now I'm eighteen and ready to move away from the house I was born in and into a trailer with my two friends. I've known Andrew and Brynne since grade five they are the only two people who truly understand me. I decided to start writing in this journal I got for my eighteenth birthday, I got a bit of time before my friends pick me up to go to our new home.

November 14th 1993 1:47pm

Andrews truck was small and had rust forming by the wheels but it got us from point A to point B. Andrew drove while Brynne sat in the passenger seat and I sat in the back. We were all exited just to move away from our families, the trailer we were moving into was small from what I remembered and needed some work. But that was ok since my father could fix up any broken pipes and re paint the place.


We all have dibsed our rooms, mines pretty small and can probably fit all my stuff it would of course just be really packed in here. Andrew and Brynnes rooms are slightly bigger than mine which doesn't bother me since I like my small room. My mother and father should be here in an hour or two to help unpack all of our items then leave to go get their family supper ready. But our supper is going to consist of a large cheese pizza, crazy bread, and pop.

November 14th 1993 11:27pm

We managed to finish unpacking everything, with the help of my mother and father. My sister Quine didn't come to help with anything, so I'm starting to think she's a tad bit jealous. Knowing her she is always jealous of everyone such as, strangers, family, and my friends. Once my parents left we ordered a large pizza and pop. After our dinner we got comfy to watch movies until 10:00pm, we went outside and sat on the porch drinking our pop.

But I didn't feel right it felt like something was watching me and only me. My friends sat there chatting, I looked at the tree line beneath the mountains and saw a raven just sitting there staring at us. I quickly looked away, it was weird I don't know how to explain it all I can say is that it was strange. I broke into my friends conversation and said we should really head back inside. They nodded, we all got up, and went back into our new home.

It's been a long day so I should really get some sleep and forget about that raven I saw.

November 15th 1993 3:47am

Can't sleep. There's a raven croaking right outside my window, I've tried to scare it away but it just keeps coming back. I'm going to sleep on the couch and hopefully get some sleep.

November 15th 1993 4:03am

Got sixteen minutes of sleep but was rudely awoken by that stupid raven now pecking at my bedroom window, I can hear it from the living room couch. I think it knows I called it stupid it's pecking at the window harder. I'm going to see if Andrew and Brynne are awake.

November 15th 1993 4:13am

They are both sound asleep. Great a raven is furiously pecking at the window, I can't sleep and I have no one to talk to. There's my small rant and now I'm just going to lay here till morning.

November 15th 1993 1:49pm

At 7:00am I got up from my restless night and decided to make some breakfast for us. The nice morning meal consisted of a lot of bacon and a spoonful of eggs for each of us. We all like eggs but love bacon. I also make some coffee for Brynne and Andrew since they liked coffee but I hated it so I just had some leftover pop. We managed to eat every single slice of bacon and the spoonful of eggs. Brynne and Andrew drank half of their coffee then poured the rest into the sink.

I didn't really feel like I needed to tell them of the annoying raven last night because we were having such a good morning chatting. The sun was always shining in the morning but in the afternoon the clouds always rolled in so after our stomachs settled we went on a walk. I went to my room before the walk to change out of my pjs then changed into my black jeans and my grey hoodie. Andrew came out of her room wearing black capris and an animal tiger sweater. We waited for Brynne for a bit until she emerged from her room wearing a black baggy hoodie and grey sweatpants. The shoes were beside the door, Brynne had dcs, Andrew had blue flats, and I had black leather boots that reached my ankle. We slipped our shoes onto our feet and left the house towards the forest trail.

As we walked I noticed my mother in her car, she pulled up beside us asking if we had leftover bacon. I nodded because we had some raw bacon that she would just have to cook. We continued walking down the gravel road, small rocks crunching beneath our shoes. We all stopped and looked up at the tall ivy green pine trees. We walked down the dirt path that led into the large forest.

We continued through the forest until we reached a clearing. In the centre of the clearing the dredge sat partly in the medium sized body of water. The dredge is a giant metal building, rust forming all around it. We all stared at the giant building, I strangely felt drawn to it and it wasn't just me feeling that. We all walked up towards the dredge which was much bigger up close.

I went up towards the dark doorway still feeling drawn to the old building. Just as I was about to enter a croak of a raven interrupted me. I quickly turned back to see a small black figure standing behind my friends, a raven. I then told my friends the clouds are going to roll in soon so we should head back home. They nodded then turned back but the raven quickly flew off, my friends not seeing. We walked back home with no other problems.

I'm very tired since I got zero sleep last night so hopefully I'll get some sleep for tonight. I still feel drawn towards the dredge so I'm going tonight and I'm going alone.

November 15th 1993 4:37pm

Just woke up because I heard someone ring the doorbell. But I got plenty of sleep and I'm ready to go back to the dredge. Since it's so early I will just have to wait till nightfall. I'm going to get up soon and see who's here.

November 15th 1993 6:14pm

It was my sister who had ran away from my old home. So I immediately took her home with Andrews truck. The ride back to our parents was silent. The radio still on so it wasn't so awkward. Quine broke the silence asking for a slurpee, I answered with a yes and pulled into the Seven Eleven parking lot. I parked then got my wallet out of my black leather purse and exited the car, into the store with Quine following.

I decided to get a Pepsi slurpee and Quine got a grape one. I paid and we both left the store then got into the truck. We drove out of the parking lot but I noticed a raven fly up and start to follow us. I decided to ignore the strange raven, I stared at it once and a while hoping Quine didn't notice me. It followed us all the way back to our parents place.

Once we arrived I unlocked the doors making a click noise, she opened the door and I said I love you she said I love you too leaving the car making sure to close the door properly. I made sure she got inside safely but realized she had forgot her slurpee. I grabbed it and left the car. A voice stopped me I quickly turned back towards the truck and saw the raven. 'Go to the dredge something is waiting for you' the raven spoke he said something else but I didn't hear because my sisters voice broke in. I turned towards the house and handed my sister her slurpee, we both said goodbye. I glanced back, the raven was gone. I looked towards the dark clouded sky and saw the raven flying off.

That's all I remember I don't even remember driving back home all I knew is that I needed some more rest then I'm going to the dredge.

• I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Skeleton Creek Toslas Journal a remake of the original Skeleton Creek. I'm currently working on the second chapter and should be published within a week or so•

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