Skeleton Creek

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"Where are we going?" Brynne asked. "Henry's place, I know for a fact he took her" I replied. We walked past our trailer and went on the porch of Henry's old trailer. Brynne knocked on the door 3 times and we waited. Surprisingly Henry didn't stand in the doorway a man did. "Where's Henry?" I questioned the man. "Henry? Why would you be looking for Henry over here?" The man asked. "Umm maybe because he lives here" Brynne replied."No he doesn't live here, he lives on an acre" The man said giving us the complete address. Brynne and I thanked the man, walking away.

"Henry's sending us on a wild goose chase" Brynne mumbled. "Wait where did the raven go?" I asked not remembering. "Wow you must be caught up in all of this, the raven flew off a long time ago" Brynne chuckled. I sighed, I just want Andrew to be ok.

When we arrived at Henry's house fear struck. The house was extremely old with white paint covering the house, well now the paint is peeling off. Two dead shrubs sat beside the door way. With one dead tree, that's branches partly covered the doorway. On one of the dead branches sat the raven.

We both walked up to the entrance and Brynne knocked on the door. I listened closely and heard muffled screams coming from inside. "What the hell are we getting ourselves into Brynne" I mumbled under my breath. "I just hope- Brynne was cut off by the door opening, revealing Henry.

"I'm glad you finally found me. I was getting worried that we would have to start dinner without you" He said with a devilish grin. I couldn't talk and neither could Brynne so we stood there silently. "Not much of conversationalists, huh? Well come on in. He continued pushing us into the old house, closed the door and locked it.

"Wheres Andrew? What did you do to her?" I yelled but suddenly regretted it. He walked off and motioned to follow him, what choice did we have he has our friend captive so we followed him. He lead us towards an old door, opened it revealing a staircase that lead downwards.

The muffled screams were louder now, Andrew was down there so Brynne and I ran down. Once we reached the bottom a voice struck the air. "Such foolish girls" He shook his head slamming the door shut, a click indicating that he locked it.

"No no no" Brynne whispered. I was terrified but I had to act as if I weren't."Cmon, we have to check on Andrew" I whispered. So we did, I looked around the dark cellar and soon found Andrew in a corner. A piece of cloth was wrapped around her mouth and arms. Brynne ran to her unraveling the cloth, freeing her arms and mouth. I got a closer look at Andrew and saw that she was covered in bruises. He must have beaten her.

Andrew soon explained what had happened to her. She said that Henry took her here, beat her, and tied her up. Why would he do that to her?


We've been here for a while waiting, I don't what for. Im writing this now, I don't know if I will make it through this, I just hope Henry is punished.

What was Andrew about to discover? It must have been something that would change Skeleton Creek. Wait someone's coming, who is it? Henry's voice sounded the air. "Who's ready for dinner? Human flesh sound nice? Oh wait you can't eat since you won't be alive".

He's going to, eat us. His footsteps sound close. "I know what's in the dredge, it's" Andrew said but was stopped as a knife came flying into the air hitting her stomach. No it can't end like this. The address of Henry's house is-

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