Chapter seven: Matthew

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It was currently the end of the day at school my brothers and I were waiting for our sister to come pick us up. Our boyfriends were at football practice. We have been dating for almost three months now and it has been the best three months of our lives.

I'm not gonna lie but Xavier treats me like a princess and he is super nice. He always asks me if I'm comfortable doing things and makes sure that I still am when we do it. I'm not ready to like have sex with him yet and he is perfectly fine with waiting which makes me happy because unlike my last ex he was impatient.

He made me sleep with him a month after we started dating. He made it seem like we were taking our relationship at a slow pace and if we didn't sleep together he was going to break up with me. I know realize that it's the point and time that I should've broken up with him or at least told my family what was going on.

I can't get this feeling at the back of my head that something bad is going to happen soon. And it makes me scared because it might ruin my relationship with Xavier. I've told him what I have been feeling and he comforts me saying whatever it is we will get through it together which makes me happy.

There are some details about me that I still haven't told him because I am scared to. But I was happy that I didn't tell my ex because I have no idea where I would be right now if I did. I am so happy that I didn't because I am with someone who actually cares for me and loves me.

I remember once I asked my sister why was I in a relationship with my ex she told me that sometimes we except the love we think we deserve. That was before she knew anything about what was going on. I never really understood it but I think I do now. I'm happy that I got out of that relationship and now I am with someone who likes me for me.

I was lost in thought I didn't even feel arms wrapped around me "hey babe what are you thinking about"Xavier asked making me turn to him and smile. He sat down and placed me on his lap "just thinking about something Ava once told me"I said "really what"Theo asked "sometimes we except the love we think we deserved. I never really knew what it meant though"I said

"Oh that's from perks of being a wallflower we had to read it in ninth grade honors English and we are now reading it again in twelfth grade honors English. It's the topic of loss of innocence"Dominic said "Accepting" is allowing ourselves to be loved, or rather loving someone"Malik said

"However, deserve is more, the love you've earned and created, you've gradually won the love - sometimes this isn't a good idea, we think we've deserved it, but this could just be leading to our ignorance"Xavier said

"Wow I understand now. I didn't when Ava told me at first but after everything we've been through I understand what it means now"I said making Xavier hug me tighter "don't you guys have tutoring"Ben asked "Yeah but we are keeping you company till your sister comes to pick you up"Dominic said

"Since we are on the topic of siblings when do we get to meet yours. I mean you've met our sister, brother in law, mom and dad. So it's only fair we get to meet your siblings as well"Theo said making Malik laugh.

"well are you guys free this weekend"Malik asked "yeah I mean we have no friends besides our sister, each other and you three so we're free"I said "okay then it's settled then Saturday you'll meet our siblings"Xavier said

"I've been meaning to ask. So you three never really had a real friend before"Dominic asked "we have but we drifted apart after their older sister and our sister stopped being friends. Never really knew why they stopped being friends"I said

"But the moment her siblings stopped being friends with us they started to be apart of the popular kids. And they made it seem like we were holding them back from being popular"Theo said

"Our parents got into an argument with theirs and they stopped being friends as well. But I feel like their is more to the story that no one wants to tell else. It's like everyone knows but us"Ben said

"Why don't you try speaking to them then. Bring your ex friends family and your family and sort everything out"Dominic said "knowing our mom, sister and dad as well as their ex best friends they would rather settle things with their fists"Ben said

"Why don't you sit them all down to talk out their feelings that can work out as well. And I don't think it will be good for your sister to fight seeing as she is pregnant"Malik said "I don't think that would stop Ava. But it's worth a shot"Theo said

There was a honk making us look up at our sisters car which pulled up in front of us "looks like your ride is here we will see you tomorrow"Xavier said as we stood up he placed a kiss on my lips and I gladly returned it. I finally got him to stop asking permission when it came to kissing holding hands and hugging.

"Bye"my brothers and I said then we got into the car "so how was the ultrasound"I asked as we put our seat belts on "hey Nate and Ava"Theo said "hey guys and the ultrasound went great"Nate said "for you maybe"Ava said pouting "what's wrong sis"Ben asked concerned.

"I'm going to be having twins"Ava said "Aww your having twins"we asked she was five months pregnant "yeah"big sister said "we're going to be the best uncles ever"I said "wait so are you guys going to move out to live in a bigger place"Theo asked

"Not as of right now. When the babies are around two or three years old. Which will be the time you three graduate from high school"Ava said "maybe around that time their will be a house around the are that will be available so we don't live that far away and we can come visit all the time and the twins can see their uncles and grandparents often as well"Nate said

"So what are the names and genders"Ben asked "you'll know during the gender reveal party in two months"Ava said "ugh fine"Ben said after that we spent the rest of the car ride talking. We need to find away to got both families together so we can find out what happened between all of us. But I feel like this will open a whole new can of worms.

End of chapter

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