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I would rather be a beggar and single than a queen and married.
Elizabeth I


THE Maharani looked out of the window in her room which was situated to the farthest right corner, laying parallel to her bed with rested against middle of the northern wall. The sky looked like a giant mysterious abyss speckled with pearls as the Moon glimmered in its ever-green glory, enveloping the tranquil kingdom underneath in its pale radiance while the trees danced as the winds embraced them. Akira felt tired after the events that had taken part a few hours ago as she sat there welcoming the cold breezes.

The monstrous halcyon doors flew open as Akira heard unhurried footsteps approaching her.

"Akira" Came the firm voice of her mother.

"Maa?" Akira turned around to look at the former Queen - who looked as imperial as ever - with a perplexed expression.

Akira walked her mother's way, bending and touching her feet as a mark of respect and her mother raised her hand as to give Akira her blessing although her expression held nothing in their cold embrace.

The Queen was taken aback. Why wouldn't she be? After all, her mother hadn't come to her chambers to talk to her other than the times it was absolutely necessary ever since her ceremonial and those 'absolutely necessary' moments were very scarce.

"What brings you here so late Maa?" Akira asked, puzzled, as she examined her mother's stiff figure.

"I—" Her mother hesitated before saying what was running through her mind, "I need to talk to you about something vital."

Akira merely nodded, indicating her mother to go on as she offered her mother to sit down on the divan - embroidered with the finest of silk threads - in front of the window.

"Look Akira," Her mother started off calmly as she sat next to her daughter, "You have now conquered Mahapuram."

She continued, "And that's what you wanted to do ever since you were crowned the ruler of our kingdom." Akira nodded at her mother's statement.

"You have brought honor to our kingdom by avenging your baba's death." A small flower full of pride blossomed in the Queen's stone-cold heart as her mother acknowledged her accomplishment. The Queen had expected her mother to say a few words of appreciation, congratulating her on her remarkable feat but her mother drove the conversation in a totally other way.

"But you are now a 20 year old woman now—" The former queen started, taking her daughter's hand in hers as she looked into her eyes almost tenderly.

Akira cut her off, exhaling deeply, "Maa, can you just tell me what is going on? We are clearly not addressing what's actually on your mind and it's irksome, to say the least."

Devmata sighed and briefly closed her eyes and kept going, "Of course..." She took a pause and opened her eyes, spitting out the words which she had with-held for so long, "I think it's time for you to get married."

Akira took her hands back away from her mother's as her eyes widened in disbelief, "Married?"


Akira stood up – a skeptical look on her visage, "I am not marrying."

"Akira." Devmata stood up too, her eyes pleading, "You need to understand that it's time for you to get married."

"Maa" The queen started off calmly as she turned away from her mother and fiddled with her hands, as she often did when she didn't have enough words to express what she actually wanted to say, "I told you... I am not getting married and that's my decision."

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