Chapter 3

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It's Wednesday morning and I'm rushing trying to pack everything up before I had to hit the road. Wednesdays are when I normally have lunch with Matt in person. It's the least busy day at the office and I'm running late. The drive there is about an hour and the time read 12:02 pm. I should have been out by 11:30 but the baby has been making me sleepy so much I go to sleep right after Matt leaves.

I took out the Shepherd pies and put them in the car. I come back in and make sure that everything is turned off before rushing back out again and backing out of the driveway.

30 minutes can't be that bad right? Lies 20 minutes later and I'm reminded how much I hate Atlanta traffic.

"Come on come on, " I said. Patience is not one of my best traits.

50 minutes go by and I check the time when I drive in by Matts's truck. 1:15 pm not that bad. Only 15 minutes late.

"Mrs. Mconner!"

"Now come on Rich I've been here how many times I think we've passed the last name basis, " I said hugging him.

"How are you Rachel?"

"A bit tired but I can't complain. What about you?"

"Aww I'm sorry but I'm doing fine. One more day, "

"One more, " I repeated

He helped me with the pies and we walked inside. We went into the break room and I set two extra-large trays of Shepherd pies down on the table.

"Lunch is ready!" I yelled walking out as quickly as possible before a bunch of hangry people made their way in.

I took the elevator upstairs.

"Rachel!" Ying said before getting up to help with the last pie.

"Hey Ying. I hope you're hungry because I got a good chunk of pie for you, "

"Please tell me it's Shepherd pie, " she said eyes hopeful

"Your favorite, " I said sharing out half of the pie in a container for her.

"One for you and one for your son. Tell him congrats on his game win, "

"I will and thank you, " she said smiling.

"Of course. Is he in there? "

"Waiting for a special someone yes he is, "

I smiled taking up the remaining pie and opened the door bumping into my husband trying to balance the pie in my hands.

"Woah there, " he said.

"Three years in and it's still like the first day we met, " I said leaning in and kissing him.

"Yeah except this time it's kind of my fault, " he said returning the kiss. "You had me a bit worried for a moment there. I tried calling but you didn't pick up.

I sighed throwing my head back. "That's what I phone, "

"Well good thing you're gonna be with me for the rest of the day, " he said moving aside.

I went to his desk and put the tray down. "Shepherd pie for lunch, "

I went over to his cabinets and took out some disposable plates and utensils. He got the blanket and spread it on the floor.

"Do you feel like you could eat for days or for a day?" I asked indecisive about how much I should cut.

"Umm one day, "

"Alrighty, " One day means double the portion I would normally eat.

By the time I cut two pieces out and put them in the plates Matt had set up our little dining area. He walked over to his phone and dialed a number

"Ying you know the drill, " he said before hanging up the phone after a while.

"Water?" he asked.

"Yes please, " I said while rubbing my tummy. I stopped myself before he could notice. Three more days.

He walked over with two bottles of water and sat in front of me.

"Let's pray, " I said reaching my hand out for his.

"Let's pray"

"This is so good. It's definitely in the top 5," Matt said scraping his plate clean.

I laughed before saying "You said one day, honey you're eating like you could eat for days, "

He smiled "I forgot how good this was, "

I took his plate and got another large slice.

"Here, "

"Thank you, "

"Of course, "

"You look beautiful, " he said after a while. My heart raced for a minute before I answered.

"Oh really? Thank you honey, "

"You're welcome, "

He was about to take another bite when his eyes looked at my plate. I barely touched my food.

" I'm fine," I said before he could speak.

"I don't believe you, " he said slowly. "What is going Rachel?"

Rachel, he never calls me that unless he's upset, worried, or it's important.

"I'm fine really, "

" Are you...sick?" he asked hesitantly.

"No, " I said before I continued "I went to the doctor and she said everything was fine, "

"You went to the doctor? When did this happen? Why was this kept from me? Baby are you sick?" he said now directly in front of me his hand checking everywhere.

"I'm okay. I promise, " I said my hand stopping him from going anywhere else.

"I don't like this, " he said letting out a frustrated sigh.

"You should have told me you weren't feeling well. I mean why else would you go to the doctor? For goodness sake Rach you hate the doctors, "

"I know I know and I'm sorry, " I said acknowledging that he was right. He was right. You couldn't pay me to go to the doctor and it's now that I realized I may have worried him even more.

------------------------------------------------------- 😬😬😬 I don't know man Matt only has so many buttons and right now she's pushing all of them.

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