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"Daddy daddy daddy, " Faith said running in my arms

"Shh mommy is sleeping, " I said quietly closing the door behind me.

Faith just turned 3 a couple of months ago. We have another baby named Joy who is a little bit over one and another girl on the way who's due in December.

Three girls and I couldn't be any more happier. Sure I wanted a boy but I was content with what God has blessed me with.

We already picked the name for our baby girl coming. Hope.

So in a couple of months, there will be Faith, Joy, and Hope.

"Mommy is a bit tired now so how about we keep it down for a while. Let's check on your sister okay?"

"Okay, " she whispered loudly.

A for effort I guess.

I opened Joy's room door to see her sitting up in the bed.

"Look who's awake, " I said making my way over to her crib.

"Joy!" Faith said wiggling out of my arms and claiming her way into the crib.

We're at the climbing stage for both girls. Faith can climb up about anything right now and Joy can climb up the stairs. Long story short, we're busy around here.

"Mommy is sleeping so you have to be quiet, " Faith said.

I took a seat in the chair in front of them while they played together for a while.

Looking at my baby girls who would gave thought. The doctors said we weren't going to get pregnant again but yet still one baby later and one more on the way, we proved them wrong.

I sat there thanking God for all He had done for me while watching the girls play and then it clicked.

That night when Lisa spoke to me about Job she said something about him still faithfully serving God and at the end of the trial he was blessed with double what he was had before.

I look at my life now. No way am I comparing myself to Job. I haven't even begun to experience half of what he went through nor do I want to but I couldn't help but notice we had more little one's coming into our lives.

What made it even more weird is that Rachel was fine these last two pregnancies.

When she got pregnant again I was scared out of my mind. I was happy yes but the thought of having to go through the same thing all over again was not pleasant. The doctor said she was fine. Like nothing happened a few months ago. All of a sudden it wasn't difficult to her to carry a child. I wasn't complaining though.

"Mommy!" Faith said jumping up and down. My head snapped towards the door.

"Hi baby, " she said coming over to pick her up.

"Please be careful, "

"I'm okay, " she said her voice filled with annoyance.

Not because the doctor said she was okay doesn't mean I wasn't gonna take precautions.

"Daddy said to be quiet because you were sleeping but now you're awake, "

You can count on four offspring to snitch you out. Definitely been having to watch what I do recently.

Joy started fussing getting jealous over her sister so I rushed to pick her up before my dear wife beat me to it.

"Can we go to the park today?"

"I don't know munchkin did you do what was asked of you today?"

"Almost, "

"Then I guess no park, "

"No look I'm doing it right now, " she said wiggling out of Rachels's arm and running towards the playroom.

Joy looked at the door confused about why Faith ran off so fast.

"Hi sweetie, " Rachel said taking Joy from me.

It was only a matter of time before Hope came into the world and Rachel is trying to get every moment with the girls before another addition comes into the family.

I love this woman so much.

"You okay honey?" she asked.

"I'm great, " I said smiling at her.

"Good. What do you want for dinner?"

I was about to answer but my mind took a turn and I slowly begin to smile.

"I meant actual food Matt, " Rachel said rolling her eyes.

"It didn't hurt to try, " I mumbled.

We're almost at the end of this journey. One more chapter guys

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