Bonus Chapter

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May 8, 2021

"Happy Anniversary, " I said taking off his blindfold.

It was 10 pm and our babies were asleep. This was the only time we had together so I had to make it count.

He looked around the kitchen smiling as he realized what I've done.

"When did you do this?"

"When you were putting Hope to sleep, "

He walked around taking in everything.

I used this time to catch him off guard.

"I got a present for you, "

He looked in my direction disbelief evident on his face.

"But I thought we weren't doing presents, "

"I know but I changed my mind, "

He sighed "You see I knew you were going to pull something this on me, " he said as he walked over to the living room.

His hand went under the couch and pulled a box out.

"Really? The couch?"

"You didn't find it did you?"

"Who hides things under the couch?"

"It's the art of hiding. The best hider hides in plain sight, "

"Smart man, "

"Why thank you, " he said walking towards me with the gift. "You or me first?"

"Me first, " I said not wanting to ruin the surprise.

He handed over the box and I slowly opened it. Excited and scared at the same time.

"Really?" I said while looking at what was in the box

He had a smirk on his face.

You would think after seven years of marriage some of the steaminess in marriage would decrease but no. Not with this guy.

I picked up the inappropriate garment.

"Happy Birthday to me, " he said all smiles.

I couldn't help but smile back.

"Okay all jokes aside I have something else, " he said going back to the living room.

I knew he did.

"Alright, here you go, " he said this time a box in his hands.

How did I not see these?

I took the box from him this time sure that it wasn't a dirty game this time.

I gasped as I took out the picture frames

"Clouds," I said running my hands along each frame.

"The first one is from our wedding day, the second the day Faith was born, the third the day Joy was born, the fourth...well you get the point,"

A tear or two slipped. Maybe a few more. Stupid hormones.

"They're beautiful,"

"You're beautiful,"

"Oh gosh stop," I said

"Too much cringe?" He asked laughed.

"A little," I said laughing with him.

"Okay your turn," I said handing him my box.

"I can only hope that's it's what I want but I highly doubt it," he said in a dramatic voice and I rolled my eyes.

"We'll talk about that later,"

"Say bet right now," he said getting excited.

"Later," I repeated.


He opened the box his face falling when he saw what was in it.

"Please don't tell me it's a prank,"

"It's not a prank," I said reassuring him. I have Kate to blame for this.

Now it was his turn to cry. "You're pregnant?"

"Congratulations daddy you knocked me up...again,"

He took a closer look at the test as if it would change or something.

"Dang I'm good," he said and I rolled my eyes again.

Men and their egos

"Don't get ahead of yourself,"

"Four babies in five years. Wow. Not all hero's wear capes,"


He cut me off "Before you come for my existence I was referring to God,"

"Smart move,"

He smiled. "You're pregnant," he said again lifting me in his arms.

"Yep. You wanted four children. I prayed that I'd be able to give you four children. You have Jesus to thank for this," I said kissing him on the cheek.

"I love you," I said looking into his eyes.

"I love you too," he said pecking me on my lips.

"Oh yeah?"

"Want me to show you?"

"And the moment is ruined," I said shrugging out of his arms.

I know it looks like I hate when he does these things but deep down I love it and I have a feeling he knows that too.

"What do you think it is?" he asked.

"A boy, "

"You think so?"

I looked at him knowing how badly he wanted a son "I know so, "

And it was so. July 14th of 2021 we found out we were having a boy. Someone to keep the Mconner name going and one day in January we will welcome Timothy into the world.

All glory, honor, and praise to Jesus forever and ever Amen.

The End.

Wow, guys. I'm getting emotional over here. Trying not to tear up myself. We did it y'all! This is the end of Rachel and Matts's journey. Jesus gets all the glory out of everything I do.

Will I write a new book? Of course but I'm taking a break from all the constant uploading and taking the next two months or so to get used to going back to school. I'm a senior this year whoop whoop! If you want to read more books from me in the future defiantly follow me. If you over this book be sure to vote. It helps out a lot.

Anyways I hoped you enjoy these two stories but most importantly I hoped if encouraged you to draw closer to Jesus no matter the season in your life. Single, dating, married, good season, bad season. These books had all of that.

Anyways enough had been said. Goodbye guys!! I love each and every one of you but most importantly Jesus loves you and you are not too far to return to Him.

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