2 - We Can Pray

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The next morning Dean woke to Cas's voice saying his name over and over again.

Dean groaned in a joking way and wrapped his arms around the angel, felling the soft feathers on his beautiful black wings. "What is it Cas?" He asked sleepily.

"We can pray!" Castiel exclaimed.

Dean opened one eye. "We can do what now?"

Cas helped Dean sit up and then cuddled his body against the hunter's. "We can ask God to bless us with a child," he said happily. Though he soon noticed Dean's concerned expresion and his smile dropped. "Unless you don't want to..."

"No, I do, Cas," Dean said hurriedly, "I really do...but are you sure you're ready to commit to this? Am I ready? Will this praying thing actually work?"

Castiel gave his husband a reassuring smile. "We would make the best parents." Dean beamed back at Cas. He would make a fun dad. Dean finally took the angel's hand andgave it a squeeze. "Go ahead," he offered.

Cas closed his eyes and hung his head, Dean slowly doing the same. Castiel opened his mouth to speak. "Dear Lord, we ask that you bless us so that we can have our own son or daughter."

"Son," Dean butted in, and Cas shushed him. "Thank you for everything you've given us and please bring us the blessing of a child. Thank

you." Cas finished with the sign of the cross and Dean followed. Then they went back to cuddling.

Dean let out a sigh. He knew this wasn't going to work. He knew from experience. He'd been praying for a child for a while now, without Cas. How would praying for one with Castiel make any difference?

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hi! Sorry this is such a short chapter but its leading up to some great stuff :) Please add this to your library to get notifications about new chapters. DESTIEL CHILD WOOOO!!

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