5 - Let Me Sleep

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Hi again! I haven't really written any author's notes for this book....let me explain some things. This is all about Castiel and Dean Winchester's baby, Mary Winchster. It's Dean and Cas parenting her from her infant years up until, like, first year of middle school I guess? So I hope you enjoy this story! If you like this one so far and want to read more Sabriel/Destiel, read my older fanfiction: Gabe's Back, Baby. Okay, enjoy!

Nights at the bunker got progressively worse and worse because of Mary's crying.

Castiel was more patient with her than Dean was...he rocked her and sang to her and sat by her crib...but every time she would quiet down and Cas placed her back in the crib, she would start bawling again. She reminded Cas of his old boss's baby Tanya, which he babysitted when he worked at the gas station.

One night, Mary started crying really hard. Dean groaned and rolled over in bed, tapping Cas on the shoulder. "Would you get that Cas?" He mumbled sleepily. "It's your turn!" Cas groaned, which made Dean chuckle and finally get out of bed.

He walked barefooted to Mary's room, peering over the crib. "Come on, Mary," he said, voice straining as he hoisted her out. She was wearing a soft footed onesie that was light pink onesie and had spit out her purple coloured pacifier.

"Shhh," Dean said, bouncing Mary on his knee. "Do you want your bottle?" He tried to give it to her, but she kept crying. He tried the pacifier next. Same result. Dean lifted Mary so they were face to face and gave her a big kiss on the forehead. Mary kept crying. "Waahh, waahh," Dean imitated her crying.

Soon he heard footsteps and in the dull nightlight's light Dean saw the small figure of Gabriel, who was wearing just his boxers and a t-shirt. "Will you SHUT that thing up?!" He yelled, making Mary cry even harder.

"Yeah well guess what, Gabe, she's a BABY!" Dean shouted back, getting defensive.

More footsteps and Sam burst in, breathing hard. "What the HELL is going on in here?!" Dean rolled his eyes, rocking the still sobbing Mary back and forth in his arms. "Your husband seems to think I can just stop the baby from crying!'

Gabriel put his hands on his hips. "I can't get to sleep!" Sam walked over and kissed Gabe on the cheek. "Go back to bed, I'll be there in a minute," he said, rolling his eyes, but smiling. Gabriel sighed roughly but did what Sam said.

The younger Winchester brother walked over to Dean, looking at Mary. "What have you tried?"

"Burping her, changing her, feeding her, and giving her the pacifier," Dean sighed, "I'm thinking she just likes to cry."

Sam chuckled and reached his arms out. "Let me try." Dean carefully placed Mary into Sam's arms. "Shhh," Sam whispered, "It's okay! Why are you crying, Mary?" He rubbed her back, which helped quiet her crying a little, but it was still loud and very audible throughout the whole place. "Sammy's here," he said, trying to calm her once again. Dean shook his head and took Mary back, trying to give her the bottle again.

All of a sudden Castiel emerged through the door, an almost angry look on his face. He looked really cute to Dean though, with his messy hair and unshaven face, and his dishevled pajamas. Cas walked right over to him and took Mary from him. "She wants her bee," he said sternly.

Sam and Dean just stood there. "Um...what?" Sam said after a while. Cas rolled his eyes and sighed, walking over to the toy shelf and pulling out a big adorable stuffed bee. He gave it to Mary, who stopped crying as soon as it was in her arms and squeezed and hugged the bee hard, cuddling it and drooling on it.

Cas placed her back in her crib and she almost immediately fell asleep, still hanging on to the soft bee. Sam looked at the angel in awe and Dean chuckled softly, leaning over to give Cas a kiss. Cas's angry expression softened and they all returned to bed, just in time for Mary to start crying again.

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