2. His Nature Love [Part ~ 1]

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Mandha house History

Whatever I heard from my elders and Dadaji himself

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Whatever I heard from my elders and Dadaji himself......., I felt to pen an incident down by gathering information from all around. It will help you to resemble him right before you. His whole life he strongly believed in Lord Krishna [according to Hindu beliefs Lord Krishna is 8th personification of Lord Vishnu]. Well, you will get to know everything about him.
Let me tell you the history of our house first. Years ago before my birth, a land where our sweet home is firmly standing now on and smiling, was assumed as a haunted area. There was [though still is] an ancient huge Pipal tree. This was the main reason for people's fear. They assumed it as a shelter for some spirits and ghosts. Each and everyone advised Dadaji to cut it down... Some forced. But Dadaji had chosen this piece of land for residence and it was his firm decision. They were goading Dadaji, but no one could back him from his words. Dadaji refused them all saying - "Neither I'm going to take my steps back nor I'll allow anyone to cut the Tree down". He said- "Pipal, the tree you are assuming as haunted, do you know? Lord Vishnu himself lives in it. How can it be haunted ? And the reason you are saying , that weird sound in night time, is because- Parrots have a disposition of changing their side synchronously at the same time while sleeping. This makes those weird noises in middle of the night." But people were not in mood to change their minds. Amidst all protests Dadaji ordered constructor to move on, so did he. Dadaji started staying there at nights, from the day, four walls stood a few inches high. After that, gradually the Ghosts vanished from there for ever. And Dadaji started gaining fame with his Hard work and Dedication towards his Job.


When I killed an Ant

Once, I don't remember how old was I, might be 3 or 4

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Once, I don't remember how old was I, might be 3 or 4...
...whatever !
I, with my grand parents was having my breakfast. suddenly I caught a sight of an ant nearby. It scared me a little. Watching her wandering, I continued my breakfast. But few seconds later my gaze automatically went to this small creature and found it moving towards me. With widening eyes I started scrutinizing her and forgot my surroundings. Now whole my attention was at her. Dadaji watched me troubled and comforted me saying - "let her go. don't be afraid of this. she will find her way'. But I couldn't avert my gaze from her. It was continuously running in my direction. I looked at Dadaji, he was busy talking Granny. It seemed like a monster coming to ingest me. I was panicked. I could neither run as I was caged in Dadaji's lap nor could I ask him to leave me. I had no option except killing her. I gathered whole my courage to kill it, and finally I crushed her on the floor. I breathed heavily in relief. Before I could overcome this horrifying moment, I startled with a tap on my head from behind. Aghast, I looked back to face Dadaji. He, pretending to be angry, furrowed his eyebrows at me asking -"What you did ?" I furrowed back (shivered inside) replying - "...what ?"

"Why did you kill her ?" he asked.

"It might bite me" I replied,

"So what ?"

"Huh ?"

"why to kill ?"

He added - "It might bite you causing a little pain, but you took its life from her ?"

It clicked my mind and I gave it a pitiful gaze. After that onwards I always give these small creatures different outlook, a thing which also have equal rights to survive.


He did never let any creature be killed. There was a small corner always filled with kindling, twigs and dried sticks unter the Pipal tree inside the house. This pile was always replete with sundry little creatures. Few of which often came towards our living area. But he always refused to kill saying that it had lost its way. And then we were asked to throw them in that pile back. Strange...! But true.

Scorpion Stung My Sister

Dadaji was a prominent Vaidya to distant parts

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Dadaji was a prominent Vaidya to distant parts. He had an experience of many years (decades). Once, a scorpion bit my little sister at toe. As Dadaji was not at home, we got afraid of something terrible. Knowing that scorpions are poisonous, I tied a cloth tightly to her ankle just to stop the blood circulation causing the poison not to spread other parts of body and called Dadaji. He, Sedately, from other side on telephone call, said - "It's ok... not to worry !". I thought he didn't listen properly, so I repeated that a scorpion bit her. He now suggested to apply spirit on the bite (just for my satisfaction, I know now). I did the same. After a while he returned to home and called my sister, I too joined her. He smiled at the sight - our flustered faces and a tight cloth at ankle. He asked "What is this ?" Confused, I replied - "... to stop poison from spreading" "Remove it ." He ordered and coaxed us by saying- "Listen, when a scorpion bites, its poison spreads through whole our body. But after reaching to the last point, it returns back and is centralized to the Biting point. That's why it needs nothing to worry. The cloth you tied is needed if any Snake bites. B'coz, whenever a snake bites, its poision spreads... and... spreads only, returns never. In that case it is vital to tie that part tightly to stop blood circulation from both the sides and promptly to remove the poisonous blood from body. And a medical treatment as well."  This is why, he took my words nonchalantly, I realized. He, also shared his personal experiences of having bitten by wild scorpions twice.

Cure to prevent Swelling occurred by a sting

■Cure to prevent Swelling occurred by a sting

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Once, a wasp stung at my hand. As I (don't remember from where) listened to rub an iron item to the sting, was rubbing a tongs against it. Dadaji crossed from there and just stopped to see what I was doing. Seeing me in trouble he took me with him and applied a mixture of Musterd oil and Salt on the sting point, saying - "apply this mixture of oil and salt always to prevent swellings. You can take any other kind of lube if musterd oil is not available. Rubbing iron helps nothing." It really worked, reduced the pain, but the time when dadaji cured it, swellings had taken its place." But afterwards, untill now I do same treatment, suggest to others as well and never got swellings due to sting.


Continued .. . !

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