18. A Coconut Personality

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Dadaji was a good example of Coconut culture. He always described himself as 'hard' on the outside but in fact his inner self was so fragile. If one managed to break through his outer shell he accepted them as family. But never let mistakes go with ease.

several times a day I used to get scolded by him for every small things. It's not that he scolded me only. Everyone had tasted his anger at least once. But it was comparatively more than others when it came to me.

'Why I was in a hurry ?'

'Why I forgot what he said ?'

'Why didn't I do it on time ?'

'Why I was being late ?'

'Why didn't I listen to him properly ?'

'Why I forgot to inform him of something important ?'

'Why there were lights or fans left turned on when not in use.'

'Why this ?'

'Why that ?'

What not ???

[I mentioned myself in focus because as well he always showed his preference for me then all others.]

There is a never ending list of things which he couldn't tolerate and used to scold us all, at them. No one could ever escape from his anger. Not a single one. Neither family nor neighbours, nor elders or youngsters, not even those who met him first ever in life. Whenever he found something wrong, he immediately pointed it out.


Once I heard him yelling at someone when I was studying in my room situated adjoining the courtyard whilst Dadaji was practicing there in the courtyard. It started now darkening but there was a crowd of patients which was not showing any sign of dispersing. When I, while studying, heard him yelling I peeked through the window which opened into the courtyard. I saw an old lady struggling to even walk was entering from the main gate with her two grandboys.

Those young guys were walking beside her with her equawelent speed. Dadaji saw them walking along couldn't hold up and yelled-

"थे अत्ता बड़ा लांगदा कान आया हो ईक सागे?"

"When she has to walk by herself what's the use of you guys having been with her. Can't you give her support ? Don't you see her struggling while her walk ?"


Back in the day, long ago one of our neighbors was speaking something loudly just in front of our main gate looking inside. Later it seemed he was pointing Dadaji. The same as always, Dadaji was busy with his job in the courtyard full of patients.

"Let's talk inside. It's not appropriate to shout from there outside in front." Dadaji said soberly.

"What inside? I already warned you not to do this.......... " But he continued his nonsense.

"Just come inside. We'll have a talk."

But he wasn't ready to listen to anything. "I'll go to the police......" He was blabbering continusly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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