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"Morning" conner says as he places a kiss on my forehead when the lights come on

"Coffee?" He asks

"Yes please" i say with a cheeky grin while he gets up

I got up to the dressing room and decide to not wear makeup today and let my face breathe. I choose this cute green and white bikini and go down stairs

"Blair does soph likes apple or orange juice better? He asks

"Uhh no clue, i reckon apple" i say and he nods

"I'll just do both" he says making me laugh

" hey babe you alright" i say as i see conner lost in thought sitting infront of the coffee pot

"Oh yeah sorry, i ment to bring this up to you" he says scooting the cup to me

I follow his gaze and it was on connagh making sophie breakfast. I decided to not think much of it but definitely keep that on my radar

Later in the day I'm sat with callum, shaughna, paige, and finn on the day beds

"What do you think about that?" Shaughna says pointing to conner and sophie in the kitchen laughing

"I don't mind if they chat and what-not but i would just expect him to tell me if he wanted to pursue that again" i say and they all nod

"I think you shouldn't worry about it until theres like actually something to worry about" callum says and i nod but finn didn't look too sure


Now it was time for todays challenge which was a heart rate challenge. The boys were up first

It was conners turn now and he looked so cute. He was like a life guard? Or something. He picked me up and planted one on me but that was about it.

Now it was the girls turn

"We all look hot" i say as i walk out of the bathroom

"I like yours the best i hate this stupid cop costume" leanne says

I was wearing a black latex body suit with a black like play boy bunny mask with ears and some satin gloves

"You pull it off though love" i say and she smiles

"I'm actually so nervous" shaughna whispers as we stand in the dressing room. Siannese was up first and was going right now, i really wanted to watch her but i couldn't go look and let the boys see me.

"Alright blair you're next" one of the producers tell me and i stand at the door waiting for the music to start

I walk out and try to be as confident as i can be. I'm pretty good at faking it till i make it and siannese cheering me on made me feel a lot better

I spent equal time on all the boys but went in on conner. I fully snogged him like he did me. For the other ones i just either ran my hands up their thighs, twerked infront of them and other things like that

"Blair absolutely smashed it" callum says

"Yeah uh... blair looked hot" connagh says

"Jesus i- i don't even know what to say" conner says

"Blair love you smashed it" mike says as i get up on the balcony with siannese

"Thank you babe" i say with a smile

"How was it?" She asks

"It was good i was shittin myself but" i say making siannese laugh

"You didn't look it babe, you did so well" she says

"Whose heart do you reckon you got up?" I ask

"I'm hopin connagh with a G" she says with a smile

"I reckon you got conner's heart rate up though" she says

"Yeah well, he hasn't seen sophie yet" i say with a sigh

"No no you are not going to start doubtin yourself now blair, your a dime" siannese says making me smile

"Thanks sian, love you" i say as i lean my head on her shoulder

"I love you too" she says hugging me

Shaughna was next and then paige, leanne, jess, and sophie

"Look at conner's face, he's chuffed" i say

"He looked like that when you were down their too i bet" jess says and i nod.

"You know i never feel insecure like this but i really like conner" i say

"Yeah sophie looked really good... it doesn't feel nice knowing I'm thinking about her a lot when i kinda told blair i ended things... which i did but i still think about her sometimes" conner says

"Wait whose next?" I say as i hear the music start up again

"Oh my god" shaughna whispers as this tall brunette in a gold and white outfit walks down to the boys

"Whys she gotta sit on his lap she didn't sit on no one elses" i say as she goes to conner

The new girl leaves and we all head down to the fire pit to read results

Paiges heart was raised by finn then Sophie's, leannes, and siannese's were raised by connagh with a G. Mine was raised by conner and jess's was raised by mikes

Mikes was raised by sophie's, finn's was raised by paige, nas for jess, callum by new comer rebecca

"Connagh with a G, your heart rate was raised most by... Ms. Blair" paige says and there was an awkward silence

"And lastly conner, your heart rate was raised most by... blair" paige reads and honestly i thought thank God. I didn't realize i needed that reassurance of a stupid challenge but i did

"Oh i got a text" conner says as he pulls out his phone

"Conner, other than callum your heart rate was raised the most out of the boys for new comer rebecca. You and callum will join rebecca in the hideaway for a date. Please head there now. #sexgoddess" he reads

"That's bullshit" shaughna says

"Well that's just great" i say

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