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Shaughna and i walk upstairs away from everyone reuniting. The fact that Finn was the one to tell me to go to shaughna made me appreciate him more. That fact that we are reunited after three days but he knows I have to be there for shaughna makes me like him even more. I've had guys in the past not understand me needing to be there for my friends. They would yell at me for calling sick from work or coming home late when I was just consoling friends

Shaughna and i walk to the bar and she takes a seat while I stand infront of her.

"I actually can't believe it, well I can but I'm just so upset" she says her voice cracking and i nod upset seeing her upset

"I just feel like I'm always that girl that has the shittiest boy." She says crying

"A boy that's exactly what he is shaughna. You're an amazing women and really soon you'll find a man" i say taking the hair out of her face. Her mascara was running down her face, her foundation disappearing, and her hair sticking to her wet face.

"I just feel like I'm always that girl that teaches a boy to be a man. But I don't get the nice caring man the next girl does" she sobs and i didn't know what to say. So i just hugged her and rubbed her back trying to get her to steady her breathing scared a panic attack would come soon.

"Do you want some tea?" I ask after her sobs slow

"Yeah let's go" she says and i grab her hand as we walk to the kitchen

I brew the water as shaughna gets the milk and honey.

"Oh no" i mumble and she follows my gaze seeing callum walking towards us.

"Can we have a chat?" he asks

"Um for what" she says

"I just wanna explain to you everything" he says

"Make it quick" she says as they walk into the house

Slowly everyone begins making their way upstairs and I see demi and completely forgot she was going through the same thing

"Dems I'm so sorry" I say as she walks into the kitchen giving her a hug

"Awe it's okay love it ain't your fault" she says smiling

"I do not know how she's smiling. She's such a kind girl." I say

I finish making our tea and go give shaughna hers and when I leave am met with finn.

"Hey" i say immediately smiling as I wrap my arms around his neck, his around my waist. Giving him a small snog

"How's shaughna" he asks as we walk to the kitchen and i hop up on the counter

"She's so upset. Her and callum are having a chat upstairs right now" i say and he nods

"I felt really bad but there wasn't anyone he could've told her. And if he did stay loyal he would have always wondered what him and Molly could of had" finn says

"I get it, it's just shit for her that's it. I hope him and molly last long" i say hugging finn. We sit like this for a couple of minutes before shaughna comes back out

"You okay?" I ask and she nods

"I'll eave you guys" finn says pecking my lips and walking away

"So what did he say?" I ask as we walk to the L shaped bench. The other girls join us as we talk about the events that just happened

"He basically just said he felt like he was missing something and he got that with molly" she says

"You would think he would realize he wasn't feeling it before casa amor though" i say scoffing

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2022 ⏰

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