A Reverie of a Free Mind

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Still it is ; the Silence upon the lake

Quiet goes the mind for the Reverie's sake

In such boundless times do reflections I make

Give I can thus the Cycle a break.

Peace of mind thus reaches to me

Like the gentle ebbing tides we see.

On a clear and moon-blessed night,

Granted am I thus inner sight.

Send out that we , return thus will

To know this truth the mind needs be still.

Bound by none , all given freedom

Such a form be not harmed , not even seldom.

If with closed eyes you can see

By Creation's Order , it shall be Reality's decree.

Quieten your mind and you will find

There are realizations that then shined

An' just like a Pledge so Sacredly Divined

Our self-mastery is in this secret entwined.

Move with your feelings O' My kin

Just like the feeling of touch on the skin.

Set fire in the Soul of Soul,

To reach the depth of the mind is your goal.

Memories thus seen yet to arrive

From that state do we power derive.

An' were you to such memories rewind

You will know that all is " A Reverie of a Free Mind".

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