The Thunderstorm

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I felt the thunder again boom, it felt like a volcano pushing magma out to the surface. Please. Let this end quickly. I have always been scared of big noises since the island I used to live on had a volcano that erupted. When it happened, it felt like everything bad that could happen happened. I lost my family, my home, my friends, everything. Just thinking about the day makes me want to puke. It was like I'm still there, hopeless, crying, coughing from the smoke. There was another rumble from the thunder. I felt tears rolling down my eyes, the saltiness of the tears slowly going down to my lips. Not here, not now. Not when I just got here a few days ago.

Another boom from a thunderstorm. I let out a scream but was muffled by the pillow I was holding to my mouth. The tears were still falling, I rapidly tried to wipe my eyes from the tears, but they kept coming, I let my hands fall from my eyes What's the point? I'll just keep crying with this stupid thunderstorm.

I slowly opened the closet door to look out my window to hopefully see a large beautiful bolt of lightning from the sky, hopefully, that will distract me, and I'll stop crying and shivering, being in this new place definitely doesn't help either. I saw the lightning it was huge, almost close to where I was, maybe it was so the next one can end my suffering. The door started creaking. My head snapped to the door. Someone was coming in. I quickly shut the closet door, rapidly tried to wipe my eyes once again. Hopefully, when they see no one in here they will just go away. I heard the door fully open then footsteps then the door shut again. A sigh of relief falls out of my lips. Thank goodness. They left. I then heard another set of footsteps. What? Maybe they are walking away from my room?

Sadly, that wish was not granted, and I heard someone whisper my name "Erica...are you OK?" Oh no, it's Alec, I mean sure he is nice, but I'm not mentally or physically prepared for this. I just got here; I don't want them to think I'm weak. Maybe if I don't say anything they will go away. That wish was not granted either. I heard another set of footsteps heading to my safe closet. Out of panic, another tear ran down my cheek. I was almost frozen. I really don't want him in here. I'm not ready for this. I heard the closet door slowly open. The smell of rain and wet grass came to my nose slightly.

He looked down at me and tried to meet my eyes. I just scooted away from him as far as I can. BOOM. I jumped at the sound of the thunder outside. I clutched my pillow in fear, hoping the frightening ringing in my ears will go away. Alec slowly crouched down to my level in the closet and have me a soft smile, almost telling me it's going to be OK. I believed him, for a second. Until another loud sound of thunder that once again, shook me to my core. I met his eyes in the darkness to see warmth and sympathy. I wanted that warmth. I would do anything to swim in the warmth.

I visibly stopped shaking and stopped clutching my pillow as if my life depended on it. He looked at my form once again before scooting closer in the closet. My eyes widened and scooted farther at much as I could, at this point it looked like I was trying to become one with the closet's back corner, it wasn't working. Alec slowly, almost like he was trying not to scare me with fast movements, opened his arms, opening me to that warmth that I so desperately needed. I looked up to his eyes back to his arms, thinking what I should do. BOOM. Another thunder is all that it took for my form to practically jumping in his arms. I started shaking once again clutching his shirt like I was with my pillow, tears falling down my cheeks freely. " is OK...I got you" he coos. He started rocking me. It reminded me of my mother when I was younger. It was...calming, and relaxing. I almost forgot the thunderstorm was even happening until another boom happened. But this time I didn't jump. I didn't do anything. Just kept crying, hiccupping occasionally.

After a while of my uncontrollable sobs, I finally calmed down and stopped shaking, I slowly let go of his shirt to softly snore peacefully. Thank you.

Hope you enjoyed! This was 787 words. :)

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