Chapter 5: A Little Freedom Is Better Than None

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Skylar's POV

Nothing much has happened today other than the fact that they let us out of the basement. Around 1:30 they came down and said that things had cleared up and that it was safe for us to come back up. I wasn't to sure what Harry would be like or what mood he would be in when I saw him. I was kind of terrified to see him again to be honest. I knew he was only doing that the other day for my own good but in the back of my mind I felt like it wasn't me he was worried about. I hadn't seen him all day though and it was kind of a relief. Actually the only people still at the house were me, Aubree, and that really buff and tall guy. The only thing I know about him is that he is shockingly attractive. I have no idea where he is because I haven't seen him since we cane upstairs. The only way to pass the time was to watch tv but the only channels coming in were Spanish soap opras and the sports channel so me and Aubree settled on watch a soccer match which actually helped us get our nerves straight. I was zoning out into my own land filled with all of my thoughts and fantasies when I heard Aubree yell "HAND BALL!" beside me which quickly brought me back to reality and scared the shit out of me.

"Do you really have to yell every time you see something interesting that happened during the game?" I said trying to calm down my racing heart.

"YES I MEAN IT WAS CLEARLY A HAND BALL AND THEY DIDNT CALL IT! Oh was I yelling again? Sorry." she said sheepishly.

"Its fine. I was just wondering." I chuckled and then started staring out of the window drifting back into my own land of daydreams.

Aubree's POV

Skylar has been really off today. She's not yelling at the TV with me like she normally does. She's zoning out and thinking about things that she probably shouldn't be thinking about "What are you thinking about?" I finally ask her, breaking the silence that was only the sound of the TV and us breathing. "Nothing" she says, her eyes never looking at me. "Skylar, what's going on?" I ask her. Normally when she doesn't look at me when she talks to me, somethings wrong. "I just can't quit thinking about home. About what our friends and family are doing right now. What if they moved on? What if they forgot about us?" she ask. When she looks at me, I can see the terror in her eyes. "Sky, they would never forget about us. Jake wouldn't let it happen. He loves us and he would do anything for us. Don't worry, we'll be home soon. They can't keep us here forever" I say, trying to reassure myself more than her and I think she noticed it by the way her face changed into a sadden expression. I switch off the TV and look at her "Look, we'll be okay. Don't worry about it" I say with a small smile. "How did you go from scared out of your mind and angry at Louis to a big, happy ray of sunshine?" she ask with a small laugh. "I'm just that good" I say and snap my fingers in a 'Z' formation. She laughs agian. Just then the front door slams shut and in walks Harry "What are you doing up here?" he yells at us. "Niall said it was okay for us to come up here" I say, my smile turning into a frown. "Well this is my house and you will do what I say while you are under it" he growls at us. "I'm sorry? But Niall said we could" I say, trying not to let him see how scared I was. "I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHAT NIALL SAYS!" he yells at us. I stare at him in shock "GET YOUR ASSES BACK DOWN IN THAT BASEMENT NOW. I DON'T WANT YOU UP HERE EVER. GOT IT?" he yells at us. We nod simultaneously and stand quickly, making our way to the basement. As soon as we get through the door, he slams it and locks it "Asshole" I mumble under my breath. Skylar laughs and runs down the stairs and into her bedroom in the back. "Skylar! What's so funny?" I ask her, walking into her room. "Harry. He's funny when he gets angry." she says with yet another laugh. "You need mental help" I say with a laugh  "Yeah. But unfortunately, we can't afford it" she says with yet another laugh. "If he doesn't scare the living shit out of you. I don't know what will" I say. I sit down beside her on the bed and she smiles "Wait, shits living?" she ask as a confused expression crosses her face. "You need to sleep. You're acting too much like yourself right now" I say with a laugh. "How do you act too much like yourself?" she ask. I sigh, standing up off her bed. "Get some sleep." I say with a laugh. "You need to sleep,,you're over thinking everything" I say, walking out of her room. "But I'm not tired" she whines. "But you need to sleep." I say with a laugh. She sighs and leans back on the pillow, closing her eyes. I close the door and walked over to my bed, plopping down on it and staring up at the ceiling. I can't believe we are here right now. We should be home, hanging out with our best friend Emily and having dinner with uncle Bobby and Jake. I shouldn't have to be forcing my sister to sleep just because she was over thinking everything that was happening. We need to get out of here.

Harry's POV

I don't know why I have been such an ass lately. I just don't like the fact that the guys are so fond of my sisters. I know that they are really pretty and have a great personality. But why them? Go find someone else. There's plenty of other girls out there that would pratically throw themselves at them but they pick my sisters and I don't know why. I care to much about them to just let them fall for those dicks. I guess that's why I've been such a dick lately. Has my mind finally given in? Am I really starting to care about them? I left for three years and now that I am back, I actually care about them. Last time I checked, I left because I hated the fact that they got so much attention. Now I just got them more for taking them away from their home. What have I become? Since when am I an over-protective bastard?

Zayn's POV

Bread, check. Milk, check. Water, check. Fruit, check. I had almost marked off everything on my section of the grocery list. Me, Niall, Louis, and Harry had all went to the supermarket this morning to restock the fridge at Harry's place. To make the trip easier and less time consuming we all split up and had our section of stuff that we needed to grab and buy. After we had completed our list we would check out and leave to head back to Harry's. No matter how much I wanted to run away and hide so I could forget that any of this had ever happened I had a job to finish and I'm not a person to give up in the middle of something. I grabbed the last few things on my list and went to checkout. Luckily no one recognized me and it was a quick and easy process. I walked out of the store either helps paper bags in my hands and walked over to the car that I drove and put the bags in the back before get to get in and start the engine. It was a short drive home but it felt like it took ages to get there. I haven't gotten much sleep since Harry had caught me with Skylar. Ever since that night he has been literally preying on me and never letting me out of his sight. It was making me a nervous wreck especially since he promised to make my life a living hell if he ever saw me touch her again. The thing that was driving me insane was the fact that it bothered me so much. I have no clue why I crave her touch so much and I feel like if I don't get to feel her soft lips against mine at least one more time that I will go absolutely insane. I just want to be able to let my hands roam her body and just be able to feel her again. What are you thinking! Harry would kill you if he heard you say this. Plus you just met her not to mention the fact that you kidnapped her and you are supposed to be stealing her money and hurting her not wanting her. A voice in the back of my head nagged. When I was finally brought back to reality I noticed that I was sitting outside of the house and that if I wanted to get inside I had to actually walk there. I got out of the car and grabbed the bags before walking inside. "What took you so long?" Harry asked almost as soon as I walked in the house. "A really good song was on and I just wanted to finish it before I came in." I lied. The radio hadn't even been turned on. "I was starting to get worried that something was up. Glad to know that it was nothing out of the ordinary." he said as he took the bags from me and took them to the kitchen. "Nope nothing out of the ordinary going on here." I said to myself as I recalled everything that had happened in these past few weeks. "Nothing at all."

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