Doctor for boobearstylin

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Today was the birthday of my best friend, Lauren. I didn't like parties. I never threw them, and I never went to them but as she was my best friend, and turning 16, I had agreed to go.

Due to my usual lack of involvement, I had no idea what went on at these parties, what we were doing, who was going, any of it really.

Not having wanted to stand out, I had messaged Lauren several times over the past couple of weeks to ask her about what I should wear and what she was wearing.

She knew I could get stressed and anxious easily (I loved her more for being ok with that) and had decided we should go shopping together to buy our outfits.

Lauren had said it was only a small party, and more of a family gathering. Her mum and brothers would be there, as well as family friends, more extended family and a few friends but only close ones.

Lauren enjoyed partying more than I did, not that that was a very high bar, so I was surprised she had opted for a fairly small family get together though I did wonder if she was downplaying the numbers so I would get less worked up over going.

So, in my new jeans and fancy-ish top I had bought, I stood outside the front door of Lauren's house, finally gathering enough courage to knock on the door.

It's not like I hadn't been here before, in fact I had many times, but it just felt different for a party. I'd met Lauren's mum, Anne, several times and she had always been really nice to me. I'd met her younger brother, Harry, but not her older brother, Ashton.

And just to add to my anxiety, it was him who opened the door. I'd hoped to at least be greeted by a familiar face, preferably Lauren. I still wasn't sure if I looked ok, or if the cake I had brought was alright.

Lauren always said I had a talent for cake making and had insisted I make one for her birthday so I had.

"Hi," Ashton smiled, and I managed a small smile in return "You must be Isabelle."

"That's me," I said.

"Well, please come in," he said, stepping back to allow me space to pass through "Lauren has been waiting for you."

Oh. Was I late?

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be late," I apologised, my cheeks flushing red, as I stepped into the house.

"No, no, I didn't mean you were late," Ashton assured "only that Lauren has been looking forward to your arrival."

Walking into the house, I took in what was going on around me. There were many people there, of a range of ages. Some young kids were jumping around, almost screaming and yelling as they played, there were a few people of Ashton's age, possibly his friends, and many adults stood, or sat, conversing around the house.

I didn't know any of these people; I couldn't talk to all these new people.

"Isabelle!" Lauren squealed, running over and hugging me "I'm so glad you could make it."

"Well, I said I'd be here," I answered now really wishing I hadn't. "Happy birthday." I held the cake out towards her and she smiled widely, taking the box from my and walking to the kitchen. I followed her, not wanting to be left alone in this house.

Lauren set the box down on the counter, lifting off the lid.

"Oh my god! It looks amazing!" She exclaimed. I had made a three layered chocolate cake, with chocolate buttercream between the layers. It was covered in a chocolate glaze and had chocolate fingers stuck around the sides. I'd written 'Happy Birthday Lauren!' on the top in white icing, doing my best to make the writing neat and fancy.

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