Cheer Up, It's Your Birthday!

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TW: mentions of death

Y/N Diggory was Cedric Diggory's younger sister.

Ever since her brother died, she never left her brother's room, it was too devastating for the poor girl.

It has only been a week since the event, everyone was worried for her. But she wasn't worried for herself.

She hugged her pillow tighter and cried harder. Her sobs can be heard through the halls.

Everyone decided they should make a party for her so she can cheer up. You know, like a "Cheer Up Party"

Everything was set, Dumbledore approved the party, they held it at the Great Hall, and they had tons of gifts and get well soon cards.

They told Harry to go fetch her from her twin's room since they heard that the youngest Diggory has a crush on him.

Harry took a deep breath in before knocking on the door.

"Go away.." Y/N cried, Harry took a deep breath. "N/N, it's me. Harry. Open up please, let's have a talk. I can't bare to see you like this..It hurts me, and everyone else" He spoke in a soft voice.

Y/N got up from her bed slowly and opened the door. Harry gasped.

Y/N's eyes were ref and puffy, not to mention she had eyebags..Her nose was red too, and her hair was a mess.

"Hey, it's okay I'm here..." Harry said and hugged her, which she gladly returned.

"I miss him.." She cried on his shoulder. "We all miss him, shhh.. It's okay, it's okay." He rubbed her back and kissed her head.

"Want to get some food?" She nodded, "Alright, go change now, princess. I'll wait for you here" He smiled at her as she blushed. She nodded again and left to change.

Harry ran back to the Great Hall and told everyone to be ready, and ran back to Cedric's room.

He waited there for 2 more minutes, til she opened the door, revealing a beautiful girl, Y/N. Who was dressed up in her Y/H uniform and robes, and her was now hair tied up too.

He smiled at her, she smiled back. He offered his arms and she gladly took it, hooking her arms with his as they walked to the Great Hall.

"Wait!" Harry said. He removed his Gryffindor tie and covered Y/N's eyes with it, as if it was a blindfold.

(i can see your comments)

"Harry? What are you doing?" She asked, "Just wait, you'll love this." He said as he grabbed her hand and quietly opened the doors of the Great Hall.

"Harry? Why's everything so quiet? Where are you bringing me??" She asked again. But this time, he didn't reply to her.

Soon, Harry spoke.

"Okay, open your eyes in 3,2,1!" Harry removed the blindfold from her eyes as everyone yelled out,
"Cheer Up Y/N!"

Tears filled up her eyes, happy tears by the way. And went to hug everyone.

She sat down next to Harry and his friends.

"Wow..Thanks guys, I- No one has ever done something like this to me, well only Ced but..Thanks again guys" She said as she laid her head on Harry's shoulder.

During the party, everyone joked around, to make you laugh again. Which worked!

They also suggested to play Truth or Dare, everyone agreed.

Not to mention, they drank too much Butterbeer.

"Harry!" Fred called out, "It's your turn, truth or dare?"

"Hmm...Dare!" Harry replied and drank his 5th Butterbeer.

"Ha! Good one, ready George?" He asked his twin, who also had the same idea as his twin. "Ready Fred!"

"Tell Y/N about your feelings" The twins said together as everyone 'ooh-ed' and clapped.

Harry blushed and so did Y/N, "I erm..Y/N let's go on a walk" He said as Y/N nodded and left the room.

"Good luck, Harry!" They heard Hermione and Ron yell out to them.

"Shove off, lovebirds" You teased them as everyone laughed.

"So.." You began as you and Harry walked near the Black Lake.

"So..Uhm.." Harry stuttered. "What confession were they talking about?" You asked, kicking a rock away as you walked.

"Oh that! I- uh..You see..Hehe Uhhh" He stuttered even more.

"Come on, don't be shy. Spill the beans!" You piped up. Harry took a deep breath.

"IlikeyouandIcan'tgetyouoffmy mindandwouldyouliketogoout sometime?" Harry spat out the words, "Huh? Sorry, I didn't catch that."


He took another deep breath. "I like you and Ican't get you off my mind and would you like to go out sometime?"He said, again.

You stopped walking and stared at him with big eyes, "I shouldn't have said that..Oh man..Now I sound like Hagrid.. I'm sorry, I'll go-"

He was cut off my your lips on his.

And that's how you two started dating and how you started to come out of your twin's room.

𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙹. 𝙿𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 Where stories live. Discover now