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Hello, it's currently nearly 2am and I can't sleep. So why not write til I sleep lolololol

(Takes place in 5th year or sixth, Idk you guys can pick but sixth year sounds more appropriate. And the trio knows that you're a werewolf.)

Tw: none but kinda heated? YUPPP-

"Y/N." Hermione poked her best friend's side, making her snap out of her daydream.

"What?" She asked, completely confused. "You're looking at Harry again. You know we can write or visit to your dad about your condition."

Ah yes, your condition.

You see, you're a werewolf. Not a bitten one by the way.

Your father is Remus Lupin. A bitten werewolf. His Lycanthropy (please correct me if I'm wrong.) Gene thingys went to you, making you a werewolf too.

But since you're young, your transformations aren't as bad as your dad's. But sometimes it's cute. Whenever it's the summer or holidays and the both of you have transformations, you two would run outside together and howl. Sometimes even cuddling when you're tired. (NO INCEST TFRIK-)

And like every other werewolf, they would have their mating season.

(Got this from Google, so credits to the owner.

Just like regular wolves, werewolves have cycles of heat, in which they have a strong desire to mate. this usually happens only with the females, but with most werewolves, the men have cycles of heat too, which occur once a year, usually in the winter time.)

And it just happened to make you crave for Harry.

(Oh Merlin's soggy underwear what am I doing.)

This has been going on for DAYS. And Hermione was the only person helping you control it.

But little did you know, your dad has told Harry about this since you two are really close friends.

Lupin was surprised that Harry didn't mind, or that he wasn't scared of you. He accepted you and your condition.

He was also surprised that Harry also fell inlove with you. And was willing to even die for you.

"No, it's okay. I think I can handle it." Y/N told Hermione, who was about to grab a piece of paper and a quill.

"Nonsense, I'm writing to Lupin. He has to know." She offered, Y/N sighed and nodded in defeat, thinking maybe her dad could help and began to write.

Dear dad,
        I may need your help with this mating season thingy.  I would always find myself staring at Harry. I don't know if I can controls this any longer if I don't reach out for help. Any ideas, pa?

                                    Yours sincerely, Y/N

After writing the letter you stood up from your seat at the Great Hall and walked to the owlery, completely oblivious that a certain raven haired cutie was following you.

"Y/N," Harry's voice rang through the air, catching your attention. You turned around to see the messy haired now hottie teen.

"Hey Harry." She waved at the him, turning back to her owl and continuing to attach the letter onto it.

"There's no need to send a letter to Lupin." He said, "Why?" She questioned, looking at him over her shoulder.

Harry walked towards Y/N (whos back was still facing Harry.) and whispered to her ear.

"I already know what you're currently going through. And I can help you there."

I'm not even gonna finish this. Maybe I will tomorrow but Idk what else to add lol- anyways I hope u guys enjoyed it :p


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