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My father's shiny white car pulled up to the road beside the pavement on which I was standing. It wasn't a great car, it was pretty much average, but nevertheless, I still loved it to bits. I had lots of happy memories of things like seemingly everlasting road trips during my childhood. Times where we were constantly constructing newer and newer, better and better memories as time went on. That being said, I also had plenty of unhappy memories associated with the car.

"You okay, Y/N?" my dad asked me.

"I feel so dizzy... I don't think I can play today."

"Aw, that's okay. Let's go home then."

The drive home was pretty quiet and slow. Obviously, since I told my dad I was feeling pretty bad, he didn't wanna do anything to make it worse. He's always been very sweet like that, he's always cared about people and put others before himself. Sadly, sometimes this would backfire on him, and there was always gonna be an idiot who decided to take advantage of his generosity.

After a few minutes of driving, we finally got home. I slowly got myself out of the car to really sell the image that I wasn't feeling well, and I simply spent the rest of the day laying down, lazing around and watching TV.

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