Number One Fan! Interview with CjayS42

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This interview is with CjayS42, another of Wattpad's Ambassador Ninjas and a very talented young writer.

He is the author of The Shadow Dancer and Twin Flames, and he goes into some really good detail about them here. He also has some answers that are really insightful and fascinating. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and I hope you do, too.



1.       Tell us a bit about yourself. How old are you? Where are you from? What do you like to do when you have time to yourself?

My name is Calum. I'm sixteen years old, living in England, probably the only place in the world where you can have snow and warm sun in the same day. Oh dear, we're only a few second into this and I'm already talking about the weather...

I love swimming. It's a great sport. If I'm happy, then the water is calm and relaxing. If I'm upset or angry, and I begin to swim more aggressively, then the water hits me back twice as hard. It also gives me a lot of time to think, in which vivid plotlines begin to form in my head for my stories. If I'm not swimming, I'm likely gaming, or on the internet. I'm a nerd when it comes to games, I've got loads, each just as different as the last. Finally, light reading and a little drawing. I don't read as much as others here, but I certainly get some done. Right now, I'm reading Terry Pratchett's Colour of Magic.

2.       Who has been the biggest influence on you in your life?

I have honestly never been able to answer this question. I've never really had a role model, or someone I admire in particular. But, I'll probably say my parents, you know, for just being plain great and always there for me.

3.       If I asked everyone who knows you to describe your personality, what would I hear most from them and why?

My closest friends would probably say I'm everything from smart to foolish. I do really well in school, but sometimes I can make the stupidest of mistakes. Other people have called me kind, polite and respectful (not to blow my own trumpet).

4.       What is the best movie you've ever seen and why is it the best?

Serenity. The ending Firefly deserved. For those who don't know, Firefly was an amazing sci-fi TV show, with themes that could range from space age action, to belly laughing humour, to gun slinging western. Yet, it managed to combine each of these perfectly. I can quote so many lines from that brilliant show. However, Fox thought they should cancel it, and they did. Fans everywhere raged. Fox could stop the TV show, but they couldn't stop the making of a film...

Like the TV show, it was brilliant. Hilarious, action packed and with a uniquely deep plot. There's something hilariously awesome about a 90 pound girl beating up a whole bar full of brawny guys.

One of my favourite quotes:

'Preacher, don't the bible have pretty specific things against killing?'

'Very specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzy around the subject of kneecaps'

5.       If you could live anywhere on earth you wanted to, where would you be and why?

Probably Japan. Beautiful scenery, unique culture and it's so very different. I'd like to learn about the country and the language. Either that, or Italy, for the same reasons. And, those are the countries of the two languages I'd most like to learn.

6.       What is your favorite song?

Hmm...My musical likes and dislikes always change rapidly. There are always a few songs that I really like and keep listening to every now and again. But if I had to choose one, I'd say My Curse by Killswitch Engage. Love, pain, happiness, sorrow, so many emotions are portrayed by that song. And the opening is just beautiful. Even people who aren't into the metal/screamo genres will find that opening moving or in some way emotional. Other than that...I'd say life is beautiful (acoustic version is my favourite) by Sixx A.M.. It's probably one of the most meaningful songs I've ever heard, let alone one of the most beautiful. And I'm sure most readers would like that song.

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