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Lucy was still shaken with what had happened earlier today, she doesn't know if she could casually let it go but she decided to not worry about it too much.

The warm breeze of the wind touched her skin when she decided to unwind at the back side of the mansion where the pool was.

Although she was not gonna dip herself in the water, she decided to wear a white bikini underneath her bohemian dress. She sat on the rattan lounge chair, closing her eyes after a little while

"Hey..." She flinched when she heard Natsu by her side. Slowly, she flutters her eyes open to meet his onyx ones.

"H-Hey..." She mumbled, her face gaining color by the mere sight of him topless.

"I'm sorry." He murmured, sitting at the space below her waist, "I saw red and sought for violence when I saw that scumbag. I never want you to see that side of me."

Lucy's lips fell agape, propping her elbows to get a better view of the male in front of him.

"H-Have you always been like that?" She couldn't help but asked. A demeaning silence envelopes them, causing the blonde to grew uncomfortable with his gaze. It was too late, the words left her mouth and she could no longer take it back.

She gulped audibly before scratching the left side of her cheek with her right index finger.

She opened her mouth in a stance to speak but before words could escape her lips, Natsu spoke.

"No..." He breathed, his hand rested at the inner part of her thigh, gently squeezing it in the process, "...Although I am practicing mixed martial arts and Jiu Jitsu for self defense purposes, I know my actions wasn't justifiable but when I heard you screamed and I saw that man outside the gates, I saw red and attacked him." He explained.

She trained her eyes on the pool, the lower part of her lips protruding. She doesn't know why her heart is pounding in a constant pace within the confines of her chest.

Her mind began to wander aimlessly. When did they became so close to the point that they could converse normally?

She recalled what happened from prior night and she couldn't help but blush.

She could still feel him in between her legs. He remembered every thrust he did, his ragged breathing, his kisses... everything. It was evident to the soreness at the apex of her sex that she's not dreaming.

She bit the insides of her cheeks. She wanted to be buried right where she's at. She wanted to pull every strands of her hair until she's bald.

Since when did she became so lewd?

Her thoughts were out on hold when she heard the door bell rings. She looked at Natsu whose eyes remained on her, not caring who the person outside the property is.

Lucy cleared her throat, before deciding to get on her feet in order to verify who's their visitor.

"I'll go check who's outside." She mumbled. Natsu nodded his head, standing up as well.

"I'll go with you." he said, but Lucy shooked her head, placing both of her palms in his broad chest as an act of protest.

"I can manage." She uttered, he raised an eyebrow at her.

"What if it's that bastard again?" He probed, his eyes looking menacing.

"After the stunt you've pulled earlier, I don't think he'll show himself to us anymore." She reasoned. She saw how his chiseled jaw moved in infuriation as he glanced away. He took a step backwards in defeat.

"Fine, I'll just swim a lap or two to cool down." He uttered, feeling dejected before turning towards the pool. Lucy on the other hand entered inside in order to attend to the person behind their gates.

Her eyes widen the moment she saw who's outside their gate from the front porch. Her heart thumping slow and loud that it inflicted physical pain on her chest. The woman from the other day is back.

Lisanna stopped pushing the button when she saw Lucy from where she's standing. She raised her arm to have the blonde a wave. Lucy smiled at her timidly.

"Hi." Lisanna uttered.

"H-Hello." Lucy awkwardly replied, she saw how Lisanna craned her neck as if she's checking something-or more likely someone from behind her.

"Is Natsu inside?" She sweetly asked, offering Lucy a warm smile

"Y-Yes! I mean, come in." She uttered in panic. Lucy opened the gate hastily, her hand gesturing the newcomer to enter.

Lisanna strode her way inside the estate languidly like she owns it. Lucy couldn't feel but feel deflated at the mere sight of Natsu's ex-fiancé.

"Natsu!" Lisanna called, leading the path towards the sliding door. A smile shone her lips when she saw Natsu's sharp stroke as he do laps in the pool.

The pinkette stopped the moment reached the other side of the pool. He pulled himself up before striding his way towards the lounge chair, taking the towel on the table.

"Do you need anything? Uh, coffee, juice or water?" Lucy asked, Lisanna turned her head to the blonde with a smile.

"Juice, please. Thank you." She uttered. Lisanna walked towards the sun lounger where the pinkette was while Lucy went to the kitchen to prepare the juice for their guest.

She placed three glasses and a pitcher of an orange juice atop the tray- as to why she included herself, she doesn't know the answer either.

She carefully held the tray with both her hands as she makes her way towards the poolside. Her eyes widen, stupefied upon seeing Lisanna clinging at the nape of the pinkette, his hand rested at the small of her back and the very lip that caressed her a few hours earlier is in sync with Lisanna's.

Tears jerked out of Lisannas's eyes as their lips parted. A smile was casted on her lips.

"We're going to be parents, Natsu. I'm pregnant!" She joyfully exclaimed upon revealing the news.



She's pregnant.




Lucy felt her her body turned numb. She could hear a loud ringing from her ears, making her feel dizzy. A bike started to form at the back of her throat and her breathing became rigged.

She was surprised that she's still holding the tray tightly.

Slowly, she took a step backwards, placing the tray on the counter top before running towards the stairs.

When she reached for the door of her room, she immediately locked it as tears streamed down her cheeks.

She leaned at the door, her knees wobbling as she felt weak Lucy placed her palm at her lips to muffle the sobs that's escaping her throat. She didn't know such pain could exist.

She doesn't know why she's acting like this or as to why she's crying.

They were never in good terms.

All her life, she hated him.

She abhors him.

He kissed her last night.

He made love with her.

He was her first.

Lucy cried more upon her sudden realization. Why did she realized this at the time like this? Oh for the love of God!

She is in love with her boss.

She's in love with Natsu Dragneel.

She's in love with her long lost ex-foster brother.

She's in love with the person she hated the most.

We Meet Again ●NaLu●Where stories live. Discover now