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"Break up with that dog, Lucy." Nigel uttered in a cold baritone, or send shiver down her spine that she froze when his voice soothed her ears.

She doesn't know why her heart beat so rapidly fast because of what he said, but it sure did bring tears on her eyes once more. With her body trembling, she shifted her head slightly so that she could look at him through her peripheral vision. Her eyes cold, but his eyes were colder, it didn't bother her though.

"Why? If I told you to break up with your girlfriend, would you?" She mumbled, but she made sure that it was clear for him to hear before she left him, unaware of what his expression was.

She was afraid. Lucy cannot control what her adoptive brother might do. He might tell their parents what he saw in the cinema or not, hence she need to ready herself with their scolding. She has to brace herself for what's going to come for her.

Although when she replayed her conversation with Nigel, she clearly saw what he's implying to, and even without telling her to break up with Loki, she would do so. She knew that it was typical for couples to share intimate moments such as that, but when the other party is not willing, then the latter should respect the decision, if not it can be called harassment.

She went back inside the mall, ready to face her boyfriend. She send him a message that she's on the first floor, in front of the bookstore. She waited for at least fifteen minutes before she saw Loki on the escalator. There's a scowl plastered on his pretty face as he walked towards her way.

"Who's that, Lucy? Are you cheating on me?" Loki bursted when he's in front of her, his face turned slightly red because of the anger he's been holding because of the embarrassment he felt inside the cinema. The people not so far from where they are looked at them due of the sudden outburst of the tangerine headed male.

Lucy's face heated up because of the embarrassment, but Loki isn't aware that he's causing a scene. The blonde sighed to calm herself, counting from one to ten in the process.

"Let's go somewhere private, you're causing a scene here." She uttered, but Loki held her firmly in the arm.

"Answer my question, are you cheating on me?!" He cried, causing people to circle them.

"Quit causing a scene! Stop being irrational!" Lucy said with a firm voice, she pulled her arms from his grasp as she walked towards the parking lot, she could not see Nigel anymore. Loki followed her from behind, and when she made sure that no one's watching them, she turn around, glancing towards her boyfriend with an unfathomable expression.

"Can you answer my question now, Lucy? Who's that bastard?" Loki cried, it was evident in his voice that he's angry.

"Let's break up." Instead of answering, Lucy mumbled a different statement. Loki's eyes widen, holding more anger than ever.

"So you are indeed cheating, huh?" He mumbled, glaring at her but it didn't even scared her, "Are you really as innocent as people thought you were, huh? Heartfilia? You're just the same as others." He added.

"Think whatever you want to think." She said, turning her back from him.



"You're just walking away like that? Why? Did you choose that guy over me? Are you sure about that? We can fix this, if only you admit that it's your fault, and apologize to me." Loki mumbled, his expression turned into a gentle one.

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