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Every minute, every second he spent with her family feels like hell for Lucy, reason why she abhor him to the brim. It is actually easy to get along with Nigel, but Lucy is filled with hatred to even notice that.

As they grew older Nigel gets more and more friends, and Lucy doesn't want that. How could an orphan like him be able to have many friends? They should despise him, he's a family wrecker after all.

Lucy turned out to be a beauty, at the age of sixteen her body's already in bloom, not like other girls in her age.Her cold personality also added to her charm, making her have this long line of suitors waiting for her, even though she is just a first year high school, but she always turn them down, if not they'll just suddenly backed out.

"Lucy, let's go to the newly opened ice cream shop down town!" Her best friend Levy cried after their last period. Lucy put on her things inside her bag before she nodded to her friend.

"Sure." She mumbled, after all she doesn't want to see her adoptive brother getting along with her parents when she got home.

The two of them stayed at the ice cream parlor till past five just talking about random things that is happening in school or about their favorite soap opera as they finished the ice cream they bought. After that, they bid one another their farewells as they will take different paths to go home.

Lucy's sashaying the path towards the bus station languidly when she caught a glimpse of the pinks haired boy she abhor the most inside the cafe. At the corner of her eyes, she saw how he smiled to the girl he's with. The sparkle she saw in his eyes as they discussed something she couldn't hear makes her irritated, especially when the girl held his hand.

Just how could a mere orphan flirt like that while he's in the care of Lucy's family? She gritted her teeth in annoyance, biting her lip as she stormed towards the bus station. She'll definitely tell this to her parents! Just how could he?!

When she got home, Lucy didn't even greeted her mother when Layla opened the door for her, much to her mother's astonishment.

"Mom, I have something to tell you!" Lucy cried. Holding her mother's hand as she inhaled sharply.

"What is it, my dear?" Layla asked, her brows furrowed out of curiosity, wondering what her daughter would tell her that she cannot wait till she settled her things first.

"Nigel! I saw Nigel on my way home mom! He is-"

"Then why didn't you two went home together? That way it will be much more safer." Layla interrupted but her daughter who looks exactly like her shook her head.

"No! He's in a cafe downtown  with a girl! It's probably his girlfriend!" Lucy uttered, she saw how her mother's chinky eyes turned round as well as her lips agaped because of what she said.

A little bit of satisfaction swiftly crossed her heart when she saw her mother's expression, it was as if she got a hold of a precious comrade as the fray begun.

"Really? Are you certain?" Layla asked, however, Lucy failed to notice the twinkle in her mother's eyes. She quickly nodded her head.

"Of course! I saw them holding each other's hand!" She said, just as she finished her sentence, she felt like someone is behind her, sending cold shiver down to her spine as if she was caught red handed in a crime.

She didn't even looked behind to know who it was, it wouldn't take an Einstein to tell that it was the boy she despise the most.

"Good afternoon, mother, Lucy." His baritone voice rang in her ears as she smelled the natural musky scent when the wind blows. Her soft little hair on her a raised when she felt his warmth on her back, irritation slowly crept on her as he was the only one who could make her feel that way.

"Nigel! Lucy said she saw you downtown with a girl... is it true?" Layla asked, her voice couldn't contain the happiness she's feeling, which makes Lucy looked at her curiously.

"Yes..." Nigel uttered, a bit hesitant, Lucy turned to glare at him but much to her surprise when his onyx met her russet ones.

"Perhaps she's your girlfriend?" Layla asked, Lucy gritted her teeth when Natsu confirmed it with a firm nod.

Hah! It's true!

Lucy looked at her mother, she's is waiting for her to scold the pinkette to the brim but much to her surprise when she heard Layla squealed in enthusiasm. Just then, realization dawned her, Layla- who is her mother will never get mad at Nigel.

A little while ago, she thought she saw a comrade in her mother, but she's wrong. It's as if she's a spy from the enemy, silently lurking in her den before her great defeat.

"Oh my goodness! My Nigel already found a girlfriend! You're an adult now. I'm so happy for you! I won't force you to bring her home but I hope in time, when you are ready, you'll let us meet her. You know your responsibilities and your principles." Layla uttered, she then brushed passed Lucy to give Nigel a gentle but tight hug, even patting his back before she turned back to the kitchen with a hum filling the air.

The sight Lucy saw made her eyes sting with fresh tears, but she promised herself not to cry in front of him. She doesn't want him to see any of her weaknesses. She bit her bottom lip in order to prevent the tears from trickling out of her eyes, she bit so hard that she there's a copper like taste that spread on her mouth.

"Lucy..." Nigel called, worry etched his face as he gently raised his arms to lift her chin, his thumb almost touching the corner of her lips. Lucy's eyes widen with the single touch, her heart skipped a beat before it began beating so fast. Her breathing hitched with the sudden contact, it irritated her as if she was disgusted by his mere touch.

"Don't! Just don't you dare touch me!" She mumbled with a firm voice as she slapped his hand out of her face.

"But, there's blood-"

"I don't care! Just don't touch me! You think we're that close for you to touch me? My parents may like you, Nigel, but let me remind you that I despise you to the brim!" She uttered in a low voice, but she made sure that it was clear for him to hear.

She turned around and ran to the stairs straight to her room, just as she closed the door of her room, the tears she's been holding back fell like a water falls. She felt betrayed for some reason.

If he can be in a relationship and they approve of it, then surely she can be in a relationship as well. Why the hell can she not?


Sorry if I just updated! I'm finally school free! I'll be graduating a month from now in college. I hope you're still patient to wait for me every damn time. Thank you! I love you all. I will try to update as frequent as I could be.


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