{19} - Dag On

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"I knew this was what he was up to. He was all foaming at the mouth and slamming his fists on tables and stuff like he was cray cray or something. Going all gorilla on everybody like a savage. Shame on him. He just all kinds of psycho and he needs jesus."

Oh god...here she goes again...

Andre nodded for the hundredth time and sighed inwardly as he listened to Wanda rail on and on about his sneak of a man who apparently had already reserved a seat right next to satan himself in hell for everything he'd put him through.

If he nodded but one more time, he'd have a stiff neck for sure. Add to that the splitting headache she was invoking and the much needed nap she was keeping him from and he was sure to start crying soon if for nothing else than to watch her panic and leave the room.

This was just not his day at all.

"And then, he gon' go and get all demonic like he was possessed by 'he who will not be mentioned' and dag on fired my ass with no remorse. Can you believe that? I swear that white man has no soul and he's dragging you right with him into the darkness."

He wanted to point out that Rafe was Italian and not white but what good would that do? The woman was firing on all twenty cylinders and giving conversation would only invite more.

Which is something he did not want at all.

He just wanted her to finish her thousand and one complaints and go on her way but it seemed she had much too many grievances to lay at his feet and was desperate to find something wrong with Rafe at every turn.

"I cried like a baby up in there and he just walked out without a glance back like he ain't even care how I was gon' pay my rent this month! Who does something like that? I'm telling you, that boy needs a sit down and some harsh words."

Well, he couldn't disagree with her there. Pfft! He sure did need a sit down and some harsh words and maybe a slap or two to his ever smirking, sexy face for his newest offense.

Rafe was gone. Again. And he'd only woken from his coma a week ago!

Did he have a death wish or something that he would actually sign himself out against doctors orders before they could even give him the all clear on his health? The least he could have done was make sure he functioned properly enough with one lung to go about his daily life without keeling over.

Wanda's right. He was crazy.

Oh sure, he had called many times in the past day to try to explain himself but Andre had slammed the phone down, accidentally on purpose every one of those times and denied him the chance to even say anything beyond his worthless and very late 'I'm sorry'.

Rather immature and harsh, he must admit but the man sure did have a knack for pissing him off. And he did it so effortlessly and quite professionally too that it just peeved him all the more. What the fuck?

"Wanda, I'm sure that Rafe is really sorry-."

"No, he ain't." she interrupted. "Long as you're here and alive then he did no wrong. He ain't sorry for nothing he does, boy. He think he always right and everything he does is justified somehow. I don't know how he does it but he make you wanna say sorry to him like you the one did him dirty or something'. I be so confuzzled."

Shit. Me too. If confuzzled meant, confused, that is.

You couldn't really be sure with Wanda. Sometimes it's like she had her own made up language that induced involuntary mind blanks and tiny migraines if you so much as tried to decipher its secrets.

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