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At the doctor's office Jimin was nervous. He had been waiting days for his check up to discuss sex with her. Is it possible, how to do it so there is no chance of damage, etc. They had a nice long talk and apparently he could do little things to prepare. He went with Tae to a s*x shop and bought a few choice items that would help. It was the picture taken as they left the shop that would bring the house of cards down.

JK looked at his phone. Text message from unknown. It was a group of pictures of Tae and Jimin with the caption 'Do you know your friends are gay?' JK felt his chest drop. There was Tae and Jimin buying lube, butt plugs, and an assortment of books and things then them leaving the store smiling at each other and Tae with his arm around Jimin's shoulder.

In JK's mind the sentence 'I will go for him if you don't want him' burned in his memory. He knew that Tae was bi and he definitely had great interest in Jimin. What was he to do with these pictures? He looked around quickly, trying to find the person who had sent them but there were just too many people in the hallways looking at him.

This visit to the store had happened on their weekly 'date' on Wednesday. Jimin was coming by his place Friday night. He would get to the bottom of this!


Jimin sat cross legged in front of the full-length mirror in his room. He had just survived another viscous bleeding session and the metallic taste still lingered on his tongue even as he swished the ginger tea around in his mouth. The house was quiet and dark outside his room. His top was destroyed. The stains would never be removed so he pulled it over his head and threw it in the corner near his garbage bin. He had been given a shot yesterday and here he was today fighting for his life again not even 24hrs later. He sighed and looked down at his pale arms and body.

Death was easy. It was a long sleep that was quiet, a silence that lasted a thousand years and only affected the living left behind. It was living that was a tricky and difficult process. It was a struggle every day and there were no guarantees of happiness, peace, health, wealth, or love.

Some people's lives only get one miserable chapter after another, fighting to feed themselves, stay healthy and stay alive. It doesn't matter if you are rich or poor, health is everything and having a little bit of happiness can go a long way to alleviate the torture that goes along with living with a monster. Jimin had always viewed his condition as a monster. It resided with in, fighting its way out and taking his life with it as it came. It was unpredictable and silent that may one day just decide to emerge.

He stared at himself in the mirror. He had jumped at the chance to be JK's boyfriend because he always had those flipflop feelings in his stomach when he was around him and just wanted the smallest chance of having a glimmer of happiness, even friendship, before his eyes closed forever.

No matter the consequences, he knew he had very little time left and he wanted it to be with JK. Death was the only certainty, so he was not going to waste time. He looked at the bag sitting against the dresser, filled with all the purchases he had made yesterday for his evening with JK tomorrow. He smiled. There is always a first for every experience and even rejection is an experience.


Jimin was sitting at supper looking quite uncomfortable, shifting quite a bit like he wasn't feeling well, but smiled so Jungkook didn't question him. JK's Dad was totally in love with him and so happy that the boys were together. They had a lot of the usual light conversation, but then Jimin decided to turn the conversation serious.

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