Chapter 19

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I look at Richard, my head spinning. 'Don't worry, (Y/N)' he says, trying to sound confident to comfort me. 'Du meinst das verdammt nochmal nicht so!' I hear Till yell before walking our way. 'Hast du das gesehen, Richard!?' Till asks Richard if he saw it already, probably meaning the pictures. 

I feel my face turning red when I see Till showing Richard a picture of Till drinking a bodyshot off of me. I slowly look away as Richard explains that he doesn't know who did it, 'Ja, Till. Ich weiß nicht wer das gemacht hat' Till sighs, 'I'm sorry, (Y/N), this usually doesn't happen' he explains. 

My eyes meet his and I see that he is geniunely sorry. I finish my coffee and take a deep breath, 'I want to know who did this and how I can solve this' I tell Richard and Till, looking at them. 'The only way to solve this is probably waiting' Richard says. I look confused at him, 'waiting?' Richard nods, 'The whole world will see this first, everyone will talk about it but in a while this won't be exciting news anymore' 

Till nods and I come to the conclusion that Richard's solution is indeed probably the only one. 'Then in that case I want to know who did it' I think out loud, imagining what my life will look like these next few weeks. 'That's going to be a hard one' Till tells me, 'no one will just admit they posted very private pictures of me' 

I look up at Till, realizing I have only thought about myself in this situation and then I suddenly feel even more sorry. 'Yeah, you're right' I sigh. 'That doesn't mean we can give it a try' Richard offers, looking at me. 'That would be so kind' I smile small at him. 'But I think I'll head to my hotel and enjoy the rest of my day off'  I tell the two handsome men next to me. 

They both nod, 'Ja, ich auch, Richard' Till says. I make sure I have all my things gathered and head to the door. Till hurries himself to the door as well. 'Either way, thanks for the party, Richard!' I say with a painful smile. Richard smiles relieved, 'Thank you too, (Y/N), you're great company' He tells me as I open the door. 

I flash him a smile before walking out, leaving the door open for Till, 'I'll walk you outside' he says, reminding me that his room is actually down the hall. I gulp when I realize I will be alone with him again. I hope he won't ask me anything or make it even more awkward as it is already. Would he be feeling uncomfortable too? I glance up at him as we walk down the hall to the elevator. 

Till clears his throat as we wait for the elevator doors to open, 'So...besides the whole picture incident, did you like the party?' He asks. I bite my lip nervous, not sure as to what I should say. 'I mean...I would lie if I said I didn't enjoy myself the whole night' I admit, hoping I'm not making things more difficult as they are. 'I must admit that I don't remember everything, but I do remember I had a blast' I say, spotting a handsome smirk on Till's face. 

We step into the elevator and Till presses the buttons that will lead the elevator down. As the elevator starts moving I remember how unfit I feel. I forgot about my pounding headache and the slight need to throw up but it's all coming back to me now. 

'So you don't remember us...donig anything?' Till asks. My eyes widen a little bit before I look up at him again, 'Did we!?' I try to keep my voice lowered. 'That's the thing, I'm not sure either' He says, chuchkling a littlebit. 'You think that's funny?' I ask, not believing my eyes. Till chuckles a bit louder and shrugs, 'I'm sorry, but...don't you?' He asks. 

I can't help but smile amused at the sight. The elevator doors open and someone else steps in with us. Till and I try to hide our laughing as the man in front of us presses the lowest button, wanting to go down too. 

Finally Till clears his throat, 'so don't worry too much, alright? Just laugh about it' he says, 'if we find out who did this, we'll make sure he won't do it again. This guy must have done it on purpose' He explains. I nod, 'Yeah...but how are you so sure it was a guy who did it?' I ask. 

Till shrugs, 'Keine Ahnung, it could've been a lady as well' he says before the doors open. The man in front of us steps out before we do. 'Are we gonna hug?' I ask, trying to prevent more awkward situations. Till breathes a chuckle, 'sure, why not' He says before he gives me a hug and a few pats on my back. I smile to myself as I breathe in his scent, feeling his arms wrapped around me. 

Time skip

I close the door behind me and lay my stuff down. I let myself fall on the bed with a sigh but immediately lay my hands on my head, 'shouldn't have done that' I mumble, gently rubbing my forehead. 

After taking a shower, I sit down on the couch and start looking through my phone. For a full five minutes I have my mouth covered with my hand, seeing all the things people say about Till and me. The thing is that all the comments about Till are positive. He's a party animal, he's hot, an artist, rich, handsome and liked. I'm just some girl that had a party with Till Lindemann. A girl that now gets a lot of hate because I was just a photographer but now people think I only became their photographer to get into Lindemann's pants. 

The internet disgusts me. It can be such a awful place and it's hard to find those who will like and accept you and make you feel welcome and loved. 'I should do something about that, I should make some kind of platorm where-' I shake my head, snapping out of my thoughts. 

I don't dare to look at the pictures that are spread all over the internet in no time. I just quickly scroll past them but here and there I spot a lot of skin. I don't want to scroll back to see if it's my skin or Till's. 

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